Yes, thanks, I couldn't play Ancient Egypt when that was the extra hard levels. That was a separate comment although still a bug I am experiencing. On all extra hard levels the progress resets overnight. ~ REALLY??!! You guys JUST MUST BE trying REALLY HARD TO FIX THIS SH*** Since...
“-''】 单项评分一共11项:Gameplay可玩性【所有游戏的【重点项】】(此项会决定较多的推荐度和评分,少量更新质量), Game Engine/Game Performance【重点项、部分游戏为次重点项】【这个吧应该没有自己会开发引擎的】游戏引 分享361 植物大战僵尸吧 MBCC.鲻鱼狼尾 NE非定态三花十八炮守全场NE四花十八炮前奏——...
"preModCommentAuthorText":"This comment will be published as soon as it is approved","preModCommentModeratorText":"This comment is awaiting moderation","messageMarkedAsOther":"This post has been rejected due to other reasons","messageMarkedAsOther@board:TKB":"This article has been rejected ...
My game finishes modern day at level 34 and all these YouTube videos of pvz2 gameplay seem to end modern day with level 44. How can I access levels 35-44? Let me know. thanks Like 0 Reply eieio_31310 to y0sh_da_gamer3 years ago...
and thsi wud not b a problem if it DIN'T HAPPEN EVER 10 MINS OR SO,so can any one help me with this and makeing is stop cuz if not EA you suck at makeing servsers and im never buying any thing with the word EA in any more i mean how hard is it to make a good server i ...
"preModCommentAuthorText":"This comment will be published as soon as it is approved","preModCommentModeratorText":"This comment is awaiting moderation","messageMarkedAsOther":"This post has been rejected due to other reasons","messageMarkedAsOther@board:TKB":"This art...