PvZ2 Upcoming v10.5.1 - New Plant Bamboo Spartan Unfinished Gameplay 140 -- 5:48 App PvZ2 Upcoming v10.4.1 - New Plant SeaFlora Unfinished Gameplay 1.8万 7 0:15 App 2015年植物大战僵尸2巨浪沙滩版本电视广告(湖南卫视实际播出版) 70 -- 4:46 App PvZ2 v10.8.1 - Zombot Hot-Rodicus Offic...
9.9.1新植物-古..Tomb TanglerTomb Tangler is an upcoming plant found in the code for Plants vs. Zombies 2. It is plan
Upcoming Plant of the Week Plants: 12-08-2024 Inferno 12-15-2024 Meteor Flower 12-22-2024 Lava Guava 12-29-2024 Iceweed 01-05-2025 Ice-shroom 01-12-2025 Ice Bloom All this and much more is packed into this PvZ 2 update! Stay warm or the zombies will have your Brainz! Hi Cath p...
Nightcap is an upcoming plant found in the code for Plants vs. Zombies 2. She attacks zombies by throwing poisonous stars at zombies, these stars are able to pierce through multiple targets in a similar manner to her Plants vs. Zombies 3 appearance. She also hides when zombies get to close...
Plants vs. Zombies Wiki is an encyclopedia about Plants vs. Zombies. Anybody can edit this to share your knowledge about the game!
Upcoming Plant of the Week Plants: 10-27-2024 Gloom Vine 11-03-2024 Bombard-mint 11-10-2024 Bombegranate 11-17-2024 Bud'uh Boom 11-24-2024 Teleportato Mine 12-01-2024 Pepper-mint All this and much more is packed into this PvZ 2 update! Stay afloat or the zombies will hav...
"PlantStalliaEffects","PlantMoonFlowerEffects","PlantNoctarineAudio"],"Properties": "RTID(NoctarineDefault@PlantProperties)","AnimRigClass": "PlantAnimRig_Noctarine","PopAnim": "POPANIM_PLANT_NOCTARINE","Premium": true,"SeedChooserBigVerticalOffset": 0.42,"SeedChooserBigHorizontalOffset": 0.03,"...
豌豆藤蔓、地狱火蕨、冠军赛季(阳光藤蔓、粘弹糯米、尘菌、飞镖洋蓟)竞技场和之后潘妮追击预告(数据摘自WIKI,网页:https://plantsvszombies.fandom.com/wiki/Plants_vs._Zombies_2/Upcoming_content) 送TA礼物 1楼2021-05-24 18:26回复 CC丶Hcy 亡灵返乡 1 没新植物?冠军赛季什么东西 2楼2021-05-24 18...
Upcoming Plant of the Week Plants: 10-27-2024 Gloom Vine 11-03-2024 Bombard-mint 11-10-2024 Bombegranate 11-17-2024 Bud'uh Boom 11-24-2024 Teleportato Mine 12-01-2024 Pepper-mint All this and much more is packed into this PvZ 2 update! Stay afloat or the zombies will have your ...
Upcoming Plant of the Week Plants: 09-15-2024 Draftodil 09-22-2024 Buttercup 09-29-2024 Contain-mint 10-06-2024 Shine Vine 10-13-2024 Hurrikale 10-20-2024 Shrinking Violet Misc: Dave was busy during the summer by adding a new addition to his home. A Plant Nursery was built to help...