TG-DTA, TEM, and IR were used to investigate the thermal decomposition behavior of poly( N -vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) (PVP). The TG-DTA results show that the thermal decomposition behavior of PVP on platinum (Pt) is quite different from that of pure PVP. For pure PVP, 95.25% is decomposed...
Fig 3 TG-DTAcurveof he V -mo ifie oro Fig 4 FTIR pec r of he V -mo ifie oro 5 UV-Vi 谱 图 5 为 PVP 修饰 CdS 纳米棒及未修饰 CdS 纳米棒分散 在乙醇中的紫外 可见吸收光谱 (UV V s) PVP 修饰的 CdS 纳米棒和未修饰 CdS 纳米棒的吸收边 ( dg ) 比较接近 , 约为 56nm, ...
According to the TG curves of both HA powders, the major difference of the mass loss appearedat the tem- perature up to 500 ◦ C. The mass losses of HA-PVP and HA-CTAB are 6.89% and 3.42%, respectively. The as-synthesized raw HA-PVP powders have a morphology of irregular nanorods...
(ibs)oSfyAngth-PeVsiPs -oCfOAOgH-PVbyP-tCheOpOoHlyoblymthetehpodolyuosilnmg estilhvoedr suuslifnagtesailsvtehrespurlfeactuersaosrthanedpgrelycucerrsoolr anads tghleycreerdoulcainsgthaegerendt uacnidngsoalgveenntt;aannddscoolvvaelnetn; tacnodnjcuogvaatlieonnt ocfonAjgu-gPaVtiPo-nCOofO...
5,046.02973201 查看所有地址 >> - 101.91221939 已确认 667 6a35e2fc6eb618e765d0f082d9829765ef8b1321353c69c3dfee72133d13dc9c 5628764|手续费:34DOGE|100,130Satoshis/vByte 2025/03/17 11:09:55 D67Uf4aycBHqN9eUQW8pp3YrHYT47YKNSc 200,000 ...
The thermal behavior and phase changes within the fibers were investigated by DSC and TGA/DTA. Five precursors with different PVP loading in ethanol were electrospun. The mats shrinkage as function of temperature was measured in the RT–200°C range. Shrinkage rate drastically increased above the ...