Survivalis the more control-orientedHunterspecialization. Survival's main appeal is its control abilityWyvern Stingalong with its improved traps thanks toEntrapment. Wyvern Sting is an instant sleep that lasts for 8 seconds, which allows for some amazing CC chains that you can set up because of ...
Beast Mastery Hunter GearingMarksmanship Hunter GearingSurvival Hunter Gearing SlotItemSource Helm Wrathful Gladiator's Chain Helm EpicPvP set, purchased withArena Points Neck Wrathful Gladiator's Pendant of Victory EpicPvP off-piece, purchased withHonor Points ...
魔兽世界巫妖王之怒生存猎人攻略 天赋 雕文 宝石 属性优先级#World of Warcraft:Wrath of the Lich King Survival Hunter Strategy#魔兽世界WLK生存猎天赋 雕文 宝石 属性优先级#我们比你们多一个世界#魔兽世界攻略必看 00:00 / 00:59 连播 清屏 智能 倍速 点赞159 大师魔兽4天前魔兽世界,尘泥沼泽最强街溜子!
Fire mages- similar to above except you have the option of using dragons breath as soon as they death grip instead of nova( i recommend it because it has less of a cooldown). and of course replace the main nuke with fireball. use cone of cold to slow them down since fire has no ...
Expansion: WotLK Classic PvP Survival Hunter Talents, Builds & Glyphs Stat Priority Best Races Gems, Enchants & Consumables Rotation & Cooldowns Best Professions Best in Slot (BiS) & Pre-Raid Gear Best Arena Comps When it comes to choosing the right race for your character, you should tak...
In this section of the guide, we will showcase some of the possible builds for Survival Hunter in PvP. Keep in mind that the build you choose will depend on your personal preferences and playstyle. We recommend that you try every single one of them, and
Pass on Arenas. NO thank you. Objective based WZ maps and maybe 1-2 TDM maps > Arenas. Arenas are breeding grounds for skilled players...but they are also breeding grounds for a terrible community with a dash of class OP outcry.
In this section, we will be covering what is deemed to be an effective stat priority list for Survival Hunter PvP in Wrath of the Lich King, and explain each stat in more detail. Hit RatingCap: 5% (164 Hit Rating)ResilienceBetween 700-1300Spell Penetrati
Survival HunterAnyone who remembers Survival Hunter from the early days of WotLK must be groaning as they read through this section. Initially a wildly overpowered spec, as T.N.T. gave Explosive Shot (which did ridiculous damage at the time, approximately 50% of someone’s HP with all 3 ...
PvE Survival Hunter Best Races Best Professions Talents, Builds & Glyphs Gems, Enchants & Consumables Best in Slot (BiS) & Pre-Raid Gear Stat Priority Rotation & Cooldowns Addons & Macros PvP Beast Mastery Hunter PvP Marksmanship Hunter Stat Priority Best Races Best Professions Talents, Builds...