WARMANE 魔兽世界 巫妖王之怒 3.35 Prot Warrior防战 Combat Rogue战斗贼 竞技场 PVP 2100-2200兮枫sky 立即播放 打开App,看更多精彩视频100+个相关视频 更多1139 -- 3:07 App 魔兽世界巫妖王之怒 战士 pvp 3.35 wotlk 来自战士的狂暴之怒 6799 6 22:03 App 3.35魔兽世界巫妖王之怒 猎人PVP Homerjay XI ...
Spellbreaker has some potential as sidenode 1v1 spec, but sadly loses every match-up against Prot Holos, Sidenode Rangers and Mirages. If the 3 specs would get nerfed, Warrior would instantly be meta again, since it could fulfill an inportant role Create an account or sign in to comment...
Anyways warrior has the best gap closer in the game and the most busted and disruptive ability in the game Death Grip they’ll get really good with gear! Thats if blizz stops doing drunk ghost nerfs on everyones gear^ I suggest try prot in this gear level! Its super disruptive in group...
(W7)* StunlockWarrior ---> high dmg on stunned enemies/sustain build/ support cc(W8)* Condition Hybrid-Cele ---> good 1v1/ medium sustain/ cndi spike(W9)* Condition Carrion --->use mad king rune! /good 1v1/ medium sustain/ high cndi dmg/ confusion...
Justiciar’s Vengeance’s Healing could be baked in Lightforged Blessing and see very little to no changes for Holy and Prot due to them only having SotR as an offensive Holy Power Spender. Of Dusk to Dawn, Fading Light, Seal of Order, and Strength of Conviction just need to be delete...
Prot Warrior BM Hunter Prot Paladin Balance Druid Frost DK Fire Mage Arcane Mage Combat Rogue Survival Hunter Assassin Rogue Demo Warlock Blood DK Fury WarriorArms Warrior (S-Tier) Destruction Warlock (S-Tier) Affliction Warlock (S-Tier) Elemental Shaman (S-Tier) Frost Mage (A-Tier) Shadow ...
Fire mages- similar to above except you have the option of using dragons breath as soon as they death grip instead of nova( i recommend it because it has less of a cooldown). and of course replace the main nuke with fireball. use cone of cold to slow them down since fire has no ...
Scrapper had its entire quickness mechanic gutted. Hammer cooldowns significantly increased. Sneak gyro nerfed. Stationary bubble. Superspeed halved or more. Without Grenades I feel like a significantly worse Warrior, Reaper, Cata...really name any other mid/melee oriented spec. ...
As I said, my build is not necessarily “theway to do it”, but it’s what I’d consider a preferred Ferocity BM PvP Pet Build. Feel free to experiment a little with your BM Ferocity PvP Pet Builds, but I would consider the following talents mandatory: ...