WoW Season of Discovery Phase 3 PvP Tier List for Group Battlegrounds Now we've sorted out the following PvP ranking based on the perceived effectiveness of each spec within group PvP and battleground scenarios specifically for the Season of Discovery Phase 3: 1. Balance Druid...
I put Locks lower because they will go up a notch with each phase anyway, and right now they’re not as tough/broken as some other classes. Alvae: Between Mage kiting anything melee and being able to reset with sheep how are they not S? Kiting a Rogue or Warrior is not like it wa...
If it doesn’t get buffed next phase it will be C tier. Also ooms healing/ shifting to many times while trying to play the spec correctly. Boomkin is one of those specs that suffer from the level cap and the awful changes to gear. They removed stamina off a lot of gear in gnomer ...
The hunter pet rune wasn’t “a problem” until BFD in phase 1, when it was clear their stamina and armor was going to be a long term issue once players got geared and the pets were still an issue. The problem always existed, it just wasn’t noticeable or prevalent enough. Gskherald...