Second only to Hunter in ease-of-use to performance output. To think, even remotely, for a split second otherwise means you are not good at warlock. DF is no different - Demonology and Afflication require so little maintenance that it’s baffling. Destro being able to bait kicks out as ...
On 7/7/2023 at 1:34 AM, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said: Personally, I find everything in the game right now to be incredibly weak, and things like ele are just the strongest of the weaklings, so i feel bad for people that have to fight ele, but my build is just made to completel...
The problem is that for conformed teams in Automated Tournaments core support Guardian is more valuable, and in ranked Conquest matches with randoms Dragonhunter is more impactful. Firebrand doesn't even exist in the conversation. I think that Willbender was in a good spot until the last ...
After Ions update on PvP in Shadowlands, Blizzard added a new PvP set bonus and trinket effects to the game in the latest Shadowlands Beta build. New PvP Trinket Set Bonus The set bonus comes from wearing two PvP trinkets, and increases the damage and he
I was in a top US 50 guild from BC-Cata. 12xGlad across 3x multi classes. OG rank 14. We have built a strong raiding foundation going into classic. At this time my main focus is getting the last few people who are serious on h… Not your time frame but might meet the other ...
You would see the hunter has used Bestial Wrath etc. and you didn't even need to play these classes to know. I like the complexity of GW2 combat system and the dynamics. However, the requirement that I need to play every single class to be able to read my surroundings is a bit too...
As soon as a build emerges with some durability (weaver in 2021, cata signets in 2023, etc.) you nerf it to the ground, while we have warriors with LITERALLY 5 invulnerable/block skills, rangers with blocks and invuln as well, thief with stealth, memsers with invulns and blocks, guards...
Edited March 24, 2023 by Spellhunter.9675 2 Khalisto.5780 Members 2.7k Posted March 24, 2023 Hum, all classes are one patch away of being god or garbage. Just play whatever you want and be aware you gonna be facerolled like first 100 matches 1 2 Lighter.5631 Members 2.2k...
Class has so much depth, that you pretty much need to build full musclememory in order to play it properly. You simply cant be looking at your skillbar, and making the right decisions in combat. But you need to do the right decisions, cuz even a single wrong attunement swap, and you...