basketball players on one team and expect to do well. Arena is about skill, comp, and strategy--like nearly every other sport. RMP in WoW would be the triangle in basketball, yes it's been strong and effective for years; however, there are alternatives and many other comps can be ...
strictly conducive to them being a proper participant in PvP. People that don't really care about the competitive facet and are there just for the loot, are more likely to AFK, to tilt, to not care about mechanics and strategy, which in turn will sour the enjoyment of people that do ...
How did you ever to the conclusion it's the other way around? Can you afk or get killed on every pull in pve and still get gear? Can you do 10 instances and just not complete them each week and get points for which you'll eventually get gear? Nope, you can do arena and just ...