We have another triple entry in the hotfix ledger, as Radiant Echoes gets more improvements in retail, while Season of Discovery and Cata Classic get additional class changes. August 7 (Source) Player-characters Steady Flight should no longer be removed after entering an Arena....
Tier 11 Raids are Now Live in Cataclysm Classic Recent Blue Posts EU Blue Post: Cataclysm Classic Hotfixes - 30 May US Blue Post: Cataclysm Classic Hotfixes - May 29 US Blue Post: Cata - Magmaw Bugged US Blue Post: Cataclysm Classic Raid Dungeons Now Live! US Blue Post: Conquest Ven...
With mercenary mode you're able to flag yourself so you can PvP as the opposing faction, but it seems the game still views you as a member of your actual faction, which lets you see new players if you've opted in to the mentor program. ...
Arenas 1 161 18d How to make pvp popular again Arenas 4 155 16d How would you prepare for a legend push? Arenas 35 325 11d Blizzard pls bring back Cata Second Wind Arenas 7 152 11d Want to read more? Browse other topics in Arenas or view latest topics. ...
And btw the cata is only viable because it uniquely has access to two 3sec invulns on its utility bar. That's why the game is now Call of Duty tier. It's just invulns vs oneshots. (And by the way the supports are only ones who can provide aegis or stuns, more cheese). It'...
I mean he's a good cata indeed . My plan atm is to drop to silver 1/silver 2 so I can learn, I feelvery out of place between the mesmers and catalysts in g3. It baffles me that i'm placed this high from the get go, being in the top 300 of the gw2 ranked scene after...
The Cata gear does come with gems slots, so that’s worth a few points. Level 90+ Gearing If you’re freshly 90 then either buy the Crafted Malevolent set from the Auction House or from a friendly Blacksmith. This will be a bit expensive. See our gold guide if you can’t afford it...
Needful Things is a Guild made up of core raiders that raided Vanilla-Cata, and were Top 50 US ranked through most of BC. During the long raid nights and epic PvP battles we forged friendships that have lasted 15 years. We want to bring on some good players that want to play with an...
This all sounds very promising. There is one thing that holds me back from doing "world-pvp" in Cata. Which are the lvl 90 guards that are absolutely facestomping everything in their path. I hope Blizzard will fix that issue aswell. Reply With Quote 2011...
Shadowlands Developer Update Quote Cammykins Knight Members 6 33 posts Quote Go to topic listing Recently Browsing0 members No registered users viewing this page. Similar Content The War Within, Season of Discovery and Cata Classic Hotfixes, August 7th ...