Welcome to the Arcanist Healer build, Runic Remedy, for ESO! Arcanists are the new class on the block, and they don’t disappoint! Between the amazing animations and providing many buffs to the group that could drastically alter the way your group is organized just by being there, you’re...
Welcome to the Warden Healer build, Nature’s Embrace, for ESO! Warden healers are currently a staple, and for good reason! They provide a myriad of buffs and are great to use for beginners and experienced players alike Setup Gear Warden Healer PvE Build – General Setup Gear Slot Set Weig...
10 minutes after I kill this guy , a Magicka Sorcerer pet build appears and kills my grinding friend . Me and my friend(stam NB) , both have 1h/s , killed this magicka Sorcerer several times . He whispered ''You are using Surprise Attack as a DK and your friend is using Volatile ...
I'm in a similar boat as the OP, though largely irrespective of ESO - it's something I habitually do in gaming. There's more of a challenge and thrill for me personally in competing against another human being, than against a program which more often than not is designed to let you ...
Green dragon blood just isnt that good, and there is no dk heal over time. Hope that helps. DK's are not great solo build classes right now. I would also recommend running a heavy chest piece for more sustain. If you have undaunted passives leveled then also run a light belt and ...
Because PVP is boring, plus the TES series except ESO has been purely PvE from the very beginning.
As far as the actual number of ESO players who play PvP regularly, I'm not sure what the percentages are. Second, you're assuming that 95% of the pvp player base would be enough players to care about. When 100% of the PVP player base is only 3% of the entire game's player base...
the only stam dk ive ever played is a tank, which isnt really ideal for soloing, but i still do it anyway lol, my ole reliable main lol pretty sure you can easily solo almost any class with a build that your happy with This is all good to hear. DK was my original class back in...
to Veil of Blades for the added dps and dps loss from Stam usage on Steel Tornado. Going 5light could benefit in the magika regen area...love the build, might have to try it... Solid-Nightblade of AD #22 May 2014 InspectorGanja ✭✭✭ e.gamemarkb14_ESO wrote: » Not...
Green dragon blood just isnt that good, and there is no dk heal over time. Hope that helps. DK's are not great solo build classes right now. I would also recommend running a heavy chest piece for more sustain. If you have undaunted passives leveled then also run a light belt and ...