So people who want to buy Sea of Thieves won't, because there are all of these videos and articles saying that it's a bad game. So Sea of Thieves will no longer be getting an influx of new players, which also means that Rare won't make any money from people buying the game. What...
Another Day 1 Account Asking for PvE Servers... Absolutely Not. This is a PvEvP SandBox Game. It's a PIRATE Game. Learn to fight and keep your eyes on the Horizon for other boats. You will eventually have to PvP If you are being called Names via Text Chat or Voice Chat, Capture th...
Hunters are the protector of the caravans, their job is to protect the Traders from the Thief players out there however on Legends Online Hunters are needed also to take care of the boosted NPC Thieves that spawn with higher speed and damage so for a...
They simply cannot afford to have that many servers. They didn’t make the map smaller to be “innovative” or “create more interaction”. They literally can’t afford that many servers anymore. once they cut off one full pve server(which led to a downfall in numbers) they saved 225 ...
Hunters are the protector of the caravans, their job is to protect the Traders from the Thief players out there however on Legends Online Hunters are needed also to take care of the boosted NPC Thieves that spawn with higher speed and damage so for ...
servers are made a thing, many of them won't have a reason to come back to the current adventure mode. The argument also isn't about player population, it's about player type. If many of the dedicated PvE'ers leave, there's less uncertainty about the type of pirates on that incoming...
be it pve servers, private lobbies, or zones. At the end of the day this isn't like other pvp focused games like call of duty or battlefield, where you're playing those games specifically to play against players, sea of thieves has pve content that is interrupted by the pvp, this nee...
I thoroughly enjoy Sea of Thieves and have spent several hour nights in plundering, sailing, etc.. My friends and I love the game mechanics in general most of the time but hate the players Who play for the sole purpose of grieving and running over any player they come up to. Which is...
@moogle-moggthe game does not need a PvE only mode. If you need to be invulnerable to enjoy a game then Sea of Thieves simply is not for you. There's definitely plenty of work this game needs; better combat mechanics, more weapon variety, more enemy variety, more random world events ...
If Sea of Thieves added a PVE only mode, most players would never even attempt to play the PVP-PVE mode, because there would be no incentive to do so. It is a much safer and better option to play the PVE only game mode so that you will never get your loot stolen. I...