Escape from Tarkov developer Battlestate Games just can't stop shooting itself in the foot over its PvE mode debacle. As a refresher, the studio... Helldivers 2 CEO holds an impromptu Q&A about balance, gameplay, and returning the game to Steam ...
Escape from Tarkov has always been one of those games that hardcore PvP players enjoy. The game popularized the entire extraction shooter genre and has welcomed itself with a passionate community of hardcore players. Hence, it barely surprised me when the reveal of the brand-new edition in-game...
Pay-to-win is a term most multiplayer fans hope they never hear when their favorite game is being described. It suggests that Escape From Tarkov rewards players for simply spending money while punishing those who don’t, but The Unheard Edition is causing a stir for mo...
Personally, yea I'd play a PVE/Coop mode with friends, but it would be on a casual basis. I could see other players falling off PVP (especially when new to the game) to play it, which would have a negative impact on Tarkov so I could see why this wouldnt be introduced. EditedOctob...
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还在Beta 封闭测试阶段的撤离生存射击游戏《逃离塔科夫》(Escape from Tarkov)的俄罗斯开发商 Battlestate Games近日陷入了一场焦头烂额的公关危机,原因在于上周他们推出的最新「The Unheard Edition」DLC 令社群大为不满,甚至引来《DayZ》、《绝地潜兵 2》同业的关注与反讽。