Frost Death Knights are a melee Damage Dealers that chill their enemies to the bone and then Obliterate them. They are the True Death Knights, the Lich King himself was using Frost powers after all (and his fortress was named ICEcrown Citadel, located in ICEcrown... ok, I'll try to be ...
6. How to Gear Up as a Frost Death Knight 7. Frost Death Knight Viability in The War Within 8. End-Game as a Frost Death Knight 9. Improving as a Frost Death Knight1. Frost Death Knight Overview Frost Death Knight is a melee DPS spec that has high burst and cleave capabilities. It...
[ ] 冰霜热疫:每3秒造成[29+AP*0.06325]点冰霜伤害的疾病,同时降低目标的近战和远程攻击速度14%,持续15秒。冰结之触和其他法术可传染此疾病。 基础伤害值为[29]点 攻击强度提供的伤害加成为[AP*0.06325]点。 [ http://static...
Aura[152]=Version:4.23; target:true; icon:Spell_Frost_ColdHearted; buffname:冰冷血脉/奥术强化; x:-150; owntex:true; inVehicle:0; size:0.2; y:-90; ismounted:0; finish:0; timer.h:2; timer.Texture:WhiteRabbit; timer.enabled:true; timer.y:-100; timer.x:-230; timer.Transparent:true@...
<Death></Death> <Blood></Blood> <Frost></Frost> <Frost></Frost> <Unholy></Unholy> <Unholy></Unholy> 这样的形式 附上支持的命令 : <BloodTap></BloodTap> <FrostFever></FrostFever> <BloodPlague></BloodPlague> <ScourgeStrike></ScourgeStrike> ...
1. BiS Gear Guide for Frost Death Knight Welcome to our Gear and BiS Page for Frost Death Knight for The War Within Season 1. Check this page to learn everything you need to know about gearing a Frost Death Knight, including the BiS Gear from all sources, Raiding, and Mythic+, ...
23. Frost Death Knight (80,29% ; -19,71%) Top DPS contributing Abilities - Obliterate(MH+OH) 19,23%, Auto Attack(OH+MH) 18,7%, Breath of Sindragosa18,4% Description -Frost DK is one of the easiest Melee specs to learn, and it provides some respectable Single-target and AoE DPS...
配置文件: Death_Knight_Frost_1h_T16H [迦拉卡斯的邪恶之眼] [融火之核] [索克的尾巴尖] [斯基尔的沁血护符] [雪怒之捷] [赞达拉之火] [普利莫修斯的狂怒护符] [影踪突袭营的野蛮护符] [季鹍的传说之羽] [双后的凝视] 596 30110 23116 46515 31036 590 28592 21826 43866 29350 ...
III.Defense:Ice block, Frost barrier. In short ice block is better than frost barrier. Ice block is essential. The minute you put one point in that blue tab you better work your way up to that or the baby Jesus will choke to death on his own vomit. In-group PvP or PvE or just ...