Compared with pristine PVDF membrane, a new band at 1659 cm-1 appears in the FTIR spectrum of APTMS-modified PVDF membrane, assigned to the stretchingeffective grafting of APTMS on the PVDF surface. After GOQDsivmibmraotbioilnizoatfi-oNn,Hth2.eTshiigsnraelsouflt-cNoHnf2irbmansdthaetZhiping...
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) Infrared spectroscopy is a technique based on the chemical group absorption in the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum, whose absorption bands possibly identify and characterize the substance analyzed [115]. The four PVDF crystalline phases differ ...
The FTIR spectra of TiO2@SrTiO3@PDA NWs/PVDF NCs containing different contents of TiO2@SrTiO3@PDA NWs are shown in Fig.4. The FTIR spectra demonstrated that the crystalline phase of PVDF is mainly γ-phase. As seen from Fig.4, all samples show strong infrared absorption peaks at 812, 83...
1.3.6 红外光谱分析 为考察平板疏水膜中PVDF晶型, 采用红外光谱仪 (Spectrum GX FT-IR Spectrometer, Perkin Elmer, USA) (λ=633 nm) 对制备的PVDF平板膜进行分析。 2实验结果与分析 2.1平板疏水膜的红外光谱分析 目前为止发现的PVDF晶型主要有3种晶型的晶格结构, 分别为α晶型 (晶型Ⅱ) 、β晶型 (晶型Ⅰ)...
Similarly, in the FTIR spectrum, the peak of β-phase shifts to 850/cm (840/cm for PVDF) [14,44]. In the PVDF-TrFE films, the β-phase crystallinity exhibits the rod-like shape of the grains [14]. Figure 7 Polymerization of PVDF-TrFE....
通过DSC扫描分析PVDF/ TPU共混后二者相容性,牛血清白蛋白截留实验、FTIR - ATR红外光谱扫描、扫描电子显微镜分析共混时添加水溶性聚合物聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP)后对中空纤维膜分离性能、微观结构、晶相组成的影响。 关键字:聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF);热塑性聚氨酯弹性体(TPU);聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP);相容性;共混膜。 前言 聚...
Fig. 3(a) shows the ATR-FTIR spectrum of the PVDF-b-SMA-HEA membrane (0.3 M) modified through the blending method. The representative C–H (702 cm−1) of benzene stretching and C=O (1718 cm−1) of the HEA extremity of SMA-HEA could be observed clearly after blending SMA-HEA ...
Electrospun P-Ar.HBP-G4 (0–40 wt.-%) blended NFs: (a). XRD pattern, (b) FTIR spectra, (c) Computedβ-phase content variability data extracted from (b), (d). Raman spectra, (e,f) FE-SEM images of neat PVDF and P-Ar.HBP-G4-10 NFs, respectively, (g) Map spectrum of elem...
(FTIR) spectroscopy using the attenuated total reflectance (ATR) mode was employed to study chemical alterations of the grafted membranes. The FTIR-ATR measurements were performed on a Perkin Elmer Spectrum 100 FTIR spectrometer with a resolution of 4 cm−1and 32 scans per spectrum from 4000...