1、PVD COATING PROCESS 东东庵庵(天津天津)屬有限公司屬有限公司 Arc PVD CoatingArc PVD Coating 概概要要 利用利用PLASMAPLASMA在在TARGETTARGET表面使用表面使用ARCARC,E-BeamE-Beam,Direct heating Direct heating 等等 蒸蒸发发金金属属物物质质后增加加速后增加加速BiasBias电压电压在在产产品表面蒸着的品表面蒸...
PVD process for coating substrates comprises pre-treating a substrate in the vapor produced by pulsed magnetic field-supported cathode sputtering. During the pre-treatment a magnetic field arrangement in the form of a magnetron cathode is used to support the magnetic field. The intensity of the ...
cathodic sputtering PVD coating process magnetron cathodic sputteringPVD coating process magnetron cathodic sputteringMUENZ WOLF-DIETER PROF DREHIASARIAN ARUTIUN P DRHOVSEPIAN PAPKEN EH DR
2.7. Based on the application tests a positive influence on the process forces was found. Thus, an efficient approach to cutting edge preparation can be identified by specifically designing ion etching in the PVD coating process.Similar content being viewed by others Fabrication of texturing tool ...
Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) is a process to produce a metal vapor that can be deposited on electrically conductive materials as a thin highly adhered pure metal or alloy coating. The process is carried out in a vacuum chamber at high vacuum (10-6 torr) using a cathodic arc source.物理...
A PVD process for manufacturing a coating () on articles (), in particular on articles which have a relatively low temperature resistance such as articles made of brass, zinc and plastic, including such with an electroplated coating, wherein a plurality of layers () are built up by arc ...
coating 底涂 UV curing UV固化 PVD Top coating 面涂 UV curing UV固化 Benefits of short-cycle coating systems:短周期涂层系统的益处 Integration in fully automatic production lines 整合入全自动生产线 Direct linking to an injection moulding or painting process possible可直接连入注塑模...
With the arc process technology, an excellent PVD coating is achieved without hardness loss or distortion of the microstructure of the base material. Contact us today!