The Si/C anode using PVA-g-PAA binder, exhibits improved lithium storage properties and cycling stability than that of the parallel electrode with carboxymethyl cellulose binder, which exhibits an initial coulombic efficiency (82.0%), even a reversible capacity of 487 mAh g(-1) after 300 cycles...
The Si/C anode using PVA‐g‐PAA binder, exhibits improved lithium storage properties and cycling stability than that of the parallel electrode with carboxymethyl cellulose binder, which exhibits an initial coulombic efficiency (82.0%), even a reversible capacity of 487 mAh g...
The original roles of the former and the latter are binder and dispersant, respectively. Various slurries were prepared by changing the adding order of these organic additives. The slurry viscosity was measured with a rotary viscometer. Adsorption of PVA on the alumina surface was found to be ...
The Si/C anode using PVAゞ㏄AA binder, exhibits improved lithium storage properties and cycling stability than that of the parallel electrode with carboxymethyl cellulose binder, which exhibits an initial coulombic efficiency (82.0%), even a reversible capacity of 487 mAh g−1 after 300 cycles ...