Alginate/PVA Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Modified by Hydrophilic Montmorillonite for Structure and Selectivity Enhancement for DMFC Applicationdoi:10.3390/polym15122590POLYELECTROLYTESPOLYMERIC membranesSODIUM alginateDIRECT methanol fuel cellsMONTMORILLONITEALGINIC acidNafion is a commercial membrane that is ...
Figure 4. Relationship between mechanical properties and EMI SE with temperature.本工作以“Poly(vinyl alcohol)/MXene biomimetic aerogels with tunable mechanical properties and electromagnetic interference shielding performance controlled by pore structure”为题发表在Polymer上(DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2021.124...
collagen;PVA;glutaraldehyde;compositefiber;structure;property 近年来,以各种生物为原料生产纤维的研究风 靡欧美和日本等地,其中,胶原蛋白纤维以它独有的 优点越来越引起人们的关注 。胶原蛋白作为一 种天然高分子材料可直接用于制备纤维b ,但纯 胶原蛋白成纤性差,强度较低,纺丝困难,成本较高, 使其应用受到限制。
a Molecular structure of PVA along with representative configurations of the simulated polymers. Random coil refers to the polymer simulations that do not have their radius of gyration (Rg) restrained, compact and linear refer to simulations in which the Rg has been restrained to a defined value ...
However, this trend had a limit because for the sample containing the highest amount of Aloe vera (5AV) it was observed that the polymer structure became completely homogeneous and non-porous. It is possible that it resulted from a significant increase in the viscosity of the reaction mixture ...
structure of the material. He deduced that charge transfer complex in polymeric materials can be identified from their electronic spectra; therefore, spectroscopy is a robust method for characterization of the electronic processes that take place in the polymer within the undoped and doped states, and...
Feng JY, Chan CM, Li JX (2003) A method to control the dispersion of carbon black in an immiscible polymer blend. Polym Eng Sci 43:1058–1063 MATH Google Scholar Weng TL, Lin WT, Li CH (2017) Properties evaluation of repair mortars containing EVA and VA/VeoVa polymer powders. Polym ...
Film forming equipment is for the research of polymer materials (plastic, rubber), plastic raw materials, plastic processing and other industries. It can complete the extrusion, blown film, sheeting, casting, stretching, composite molding processing experiments together. The process is complete, the ...