The effect of different PVA/borax content on viscosity 如图5 所示,随着聚乙烯醇用量的增加,在一定 范围内,体系黏度不断增加。主要原因是:聚乙烯醇 图3 pH 值对成胶体系黏度的影响 用量很少时,分子侧链中的氨基与 2D 树脂分子中 Fig.3 The effect of pH on viscosity 羟甲基的碰撞几率...
SEM表明:PVA协同偶联剂交联改性有效改善了纤维与PP间的粘结,纤维与PP中的界面结合得到改善。 关键词:天然纤维;复合材料;PVA交联;力学性能;吸水性能 中图分类号:TB332文献标志码:A PVA crosslinking modification effect on the properties of natural fiber reinforced polypropylene composites WANG Chunhong*1,2, LIN...
Furthermore, the shift in Tm value of PVA/Kaolin composites to lower temperatures alludes to the crosslinking of PVA and kaolin that influence on the crystal formation36. The next exothermic peak is related to thermal decomposition of PVA and elimination of water molecules along with the polymer...
From the results of experiment, increasing the amount of CA and borax can improve the mechanical properties of SP composites and decrease the water absorption of SP composites by crosslinking starch and PVA, which was confirmed by thermalanalysis. POLYM. COMPOS., 28:674-679, 2007. 2007 Society...
In this investigation, we report the effect of crosslinker concentration on the DN hydrogels which are consisting of poly(vinyl alchohol)-borax as the first network and poly(acrylamide-co-2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) as the second network synthesized by in-situ crosslinking polymerization process ...
the cellulose-PVA composite gel regenerated by 20% NMMO/1% borax exhibited the best mechanical strength.The crystal structure of composite gel after dissolution-regeneration was transformed from cellulose I to cellulose II.After crosslinking of cellulose and PVA, the new peaks at ...
Herein, a gelatin-based dual-network (DN) hydrogel sensor with multiple dynamic crosslinking was successfully fabricated, in which the dynamic Schiff base bonds between gelatin and an aldehyde-containing supramolecular crosslinker (PCD-Fc-CHO) formed by the host-guest complexing of 尾-cyclodextrin (...
The resulting hydrogel is a three-dimensional structure composed of boric ester bonds as physical crosslinking points. Thus, the spatial structure, swelling properties, viscoelastic properties, tensile properties, and self-healing properties of hydrogels with different ratios of borax and PVA are studied...
Borax-PVA hydrogels with excellent mechanical properties are prepared by simple physical mixing of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA, thickener) and borax (cross-linking agent) at room temperature. The resulting hydrogel is a three-dimensional structure composed of boric ester bonds as physical crosslinking ...
It was also due to the fact that the free volume of resulting crosslinking complexes of transition metal with PVOH borax mixture in aqueous ethyl acetate was high =-=[7]-=-. On increasing the temperature, molar conductance increased in binary and tertiary solvent system, that was because the...