速率也由CMC和PVA链松弛控制;同时,SPE释放是由收缩水凝胶扩散和膨胀控制。SPE扩散发生在膨胀区域而不是收缩区域。在整个过程中,连续摇晃使SPE加速扩散,同时水和盐离子也进入水凝胶。 总之,本文通过冻融法成功在水介质中合成了载SPE的CMC/PVA水凝胶。FTIR、XRD和热分析显示,CMC和PVA之间相互作用,包括H键,形成水凝胶...
PVA/CMC/ attapulgite clay composite hydrogel membranes were char- acterized by FTIR, SEM, swelling tests, mechanical/ther- mal stability, as well as antimicrobial activity. The obtained results showed that, the properties of composite hydrogel membranes have significantly affected by the used CA con...
Na-CMC纳米纤维膜.分别通过 FTIR, XRD, DSC, SEM对其形貌和结晶性能进行了表征.研究发现, PVA/Na-CMC纳米纤维膜的再溶胀度随着 Na-CMC含量的增加而稳定增加,即PVA/Na-CMC纳米纤维膜的pH敏感性随着Na-CMC含量的增加而逐渐增强,并且纤维的形貌受Na-CMC含量的影响,当PVA:Na-CMC=8:2时,纤维直径均匀,连续性好...
性物、PVA(聚乙烯醇)、 CMC(羧甲基纤维素)、PAM(聚丙烯酰胺)等 四类,由于这四类表面施胶剂对纸张纤维的亲和力较差,表面施胶后的纸张在 干燥过程中,随着水分的不断蒸发和膜层的不断收缩,很容易造成覆盖在纸页 表面的膜破裂,纸张的表面强度、施胶度、挺度、平滑度都不是很好,且在印 ...
The functional groups of the synthesized CS/PVA/CuONCs were analyzed using FTIR, as depicted in Fig.1B. The FTIR spectra of the nanocomposites exhibited characteristic bands corresponding to the polymers (CS and PVA). The presence of the cross-linking agent led to an increase in the intensity...
The functional groups of the synthesized CS/PVA/CuONCs were analyzed using FTIR, as depicted in Fig.1B. The FTIR spectra of the nanocomposites exhibited characteristic bands corresponding to the polymers (CS and PVA). The presence of the cross-linking agent led to an increase in the intensity...
FTIR analysis has demonstrated the existence of physical interactions between the (PVA) and the nanoparticles. The AC electrical characteristics of nanocomposites, specifically the dielectric constant and dielectric loss, exhibit a decrease as the frequency of the applied electric field increases. ...