【20元券】【日本直邮 日本发货】日立(HITACHI) 吸尘器多功能手持吸尘无线智能便携 PV-BH900G N 无线【需变压器】九龙小推子 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 1 0 01:20 App 【400元券】Meizu魅族20PRO高通骁龙8Gen2 Flyme系统 超大电池 50W无线充电 5G游戏学生拍照 领克手机域 晨曦紫 12...
The PV-BH900SK went on the market in August 2022 and won the Good Design Gold Award (Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award) from the Japan Institute of Design Promotion in October 2022. It was also chosen as a finalist for the Good Design Grand Award and advanced to the public...