=PV(rate, nper, pmt, [fv], [type]) “rate”→ Rate of Return (or Interest Rate) “nper”→ Number of Compounding Periods “pmt”→ Periodic Payment Value “fv”→ Future Value “type”→ Timing of Cash Flow (0 = End of Period; 1 = Beginning of Period) Year 1 = $939 Year 2...
B is correct. Using a financial calculator: N=10, PMT=40, PV=-900, FV=1000, solve for I/Y=5.31%. The after-tax cost of debt=yield(1-t)=5.31%(1-40%)=3.19% 老师,我总是弄混pv fv 例如这个题,我理解的PV=-1000 因为是present value FV=900 因为是future value should sell at 90% ...
FV=PV(1+i)n –––––n=numberofperiodsi=interestratePV=presentvalueordepositPMT=paymentFV=futurevalue RealEstateFinanceandInvestments,WuYuzhe,ZJU FutureValueofaSingleLumpSum Example:assumeAstuteinvestorinvests$1,000todaywhichpays10percent,compoundedannually.Whatistheexpectedfuturevalue...
添加评论 0 0 1 个答案 Shimin_CPA税法主讲、CFA教研 · 2019年04月18日 正负号代表的现金流方向。例如求债券价格,通常FV与PMT取正值,代表现金流流入,PV计算出来是负值,表示现金流流出。也就是说期初买了一个债券(花掉了钱,ourflow),每期有利息,期末回收本金(inflow)。 添加评论 0 0 1 回答 0 关注...
FVEAY8TheFinancialCalculator n=numberofperiods i=interestrate PV=presentvalue,deposit,ormortgageamount PMT=payment FV=futurevalue–n,i,andPMTmustcorrespondtothesameperiod:Monthly,quarterly,semiannualoryearly Whenusingthefinancialcalculatorthreevariablesmustbepresentinordertocomputethefourthunknown.–PVorPMTmust...
Using PV Calculator With PMT You can quickly calculate the present value of an annuity using abusiness calculator, such as the Hewlett-Packard 12C, which has the required financial functions. The calculator has special buttons for the PV formula: To enter the variables, include “PMT” for paym...
B is correct.In this case,Using a financial calculator: FV = $5,000, N = 36, I/Y = 5/12, PMT = 0, and solve for PV.A is incorrect. It is calculated without monthly compounding (N = 3, I/Y = 5). Alternatively: C is incorrect. It is calculated as PV = 5,000[1 − ...
pmt=self.semi_annual_coupon_payment, fv=self.face_value )return-0.1* present_value 开发者ID:bsmukasa,项目名称:bond_analytics,代码行数:9,代码来源:models.py 示例3: _calc ▲点赞 4▼ def_calc(self):# shortcut if the portfolio is 0...some of the math# below doesn't like 0s.ifself....
PV(rate, nper, pmt, [fv], [type]) If you are not familiar with this function, it's a good idea to begin with the above linked tutorial that explains the syntax. Present value formula for a single payment Suppose you have won a cash prize in a lottery and have two options - to ...
FVPV[1i]nmm Effectiveannualyield(EAY)n=1时 EAFYVPVP[1Vmi]mPV[1i]m1 PV PV m Equivalentnominalannualrate(ENAR)–i?–如果有效年利率为5%,按季度计算复利,等价的名 义年利率为多少?TheFinancialCalculator n=numberofperiodsi=interestratePV=presentvalue,deposit,ormortgageamountPMT=paymentFV=futurevalue...