8.卡诺循环(Carnot cycle)是只有两个热源的简单循环。如图所示是卡诺循环的PV图像,卡诺循环包括四个过程:a→b等温过程;b→c绝热膨胀过程;c→d等温过程;d→a绝热压缩过程。整个过程中封闭气体可视为理想气体,下列说法正确的是(aP2C0A.a→b过程,外界对气体做功B.c→d过程,气体放出热量C.a→b过程温度为T1,c...
0/0 收藏人数: 0 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 论文--期刊/会议论文 文档标签: 卡诺循环的pV图 系统标签: 卡诺循环overdampinganfucarnot吴剑峰 第20 卷第5 期大学物理 Vol. 20 No. 5 2001 年5 月 COLLEGE PHYSICS May. 2001 收稿日期:2000 - 01 - 10 作者简介:吴剑峰(1976 —) ,男,四川成都...
13. What is the total heat input to the system (the rejected heat cannot be counted)? 14. What is the efficiency of this machine? 15. What is the Carnot efficiency of this machine? 16. Sketch a pressure versus volume diagram of the cycle described in this problem statement3.6 ...
Guys, let's take a look at this example problem. We have a heat engine that's shown as a cycle in a PV diagram. Remember heat engines are always going to be cycles. And what we want to do with part a is calculate the work that's done over a complete cycle in this p...
In the present study, the evaluation of potential improvement of the overall efficiency of a common PV panel, valorizing the heat extracted by a heat exchanger that is integrated on its back side, either into work using an endoreversible Carnot engine or into cold by using an endoreversible ...
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of photovoltaic/thermal collector (PV/T)-solar assisted heat pump Figur(eSA1.HSPch) esmysatteimc d. iagram of photovoltaic/thermal collector (PV/T)-solar assisted heat pump (SAHP) system. FFiigguurree 22.. TThhee pprroottoottyyppee ooff PPVV//TT--SSAAHHPP...