Part of Speech (动) verb Related Words (Sorted by part of speech, numbered word sense.May need to scroll content.) (形) As an adjective Filled with bewilderment. Chinese synonyms: 困惑的, 迷惑, 迷惑的, 困惑 Synonyms: at a loss, nonplused, nonplussed New Search Wildcard: Use * as pla...
13. I don't think that your speech has got across to the crowd, for they appeare quite puzzled. 我认为你的演讲没有被听众理解,因为他们看起来很困惑。 14. puzzled的翻译 14. Continuous visual impact of black and white people square the fifth space, though feels a bit云里雾里, puzzled, ...
Unfortunately, Mr Abraham SHEK has left the Chamber nowasIwasslightlypuzzled byhislogic in his earlier speech. 很可惜,石禮謙 議員現時離開了會議廳,因為就他剛才的發言,我有少許聽不明白他的邏 輯。
WASHINGTON, Aug. 8 (Xinhua) -- A federal department of a country which has long prided itself on championing free speech worldwide is now censoring the use of nomenclatures including what has become a commonsense term both in the academia and among the general public -- climate change. It ...
For instance, they care for the memory of 9 the mystery (神秘) in the story is solved, but do not remember a 10 sentence in the story and cannot 11 what preposition is used before or after a certain 12 in the speech of a 13 character. Of course, it is all right to read and ...
President Obama’s speech at the Soweto memorial was unquestionably the rousing center point of the memorial—it was the eulogy of the day. And thank goodness for it. Without it, the speeches would have been rather ho-hum. Obama recognized that it “took a man like Madiba to free not jus...