Supporting Characters Puyo Puyo Accord • Ai • Akuma • Baldanders • Dapper Bones • Donguri Gaeru • Feli (Angelic Feli) • Jay & Elle • Kikimora • Klug • Lemres • Lidelle • Ocean Prince • Onion Pixie • Puyos • Tartar • Towa • Yu & Rei •...
Puyo Puyo is an easy-to-learn, yet difficult to master puzzle game with roots in the first-person dungeon crawler Madou Monogatari created by Compile. It features rich history with intricate and strategic multiplayer gameplay, iconic characters, and humorous stories. Puyo Nexus is an encyclopedia ...
This is a list of characters who used to be exclusive to Puyo Puyo!! Quest, but later appeared in normal Puyo Puyo games like Puyo Puyo Champions, and information including dropset patterns in those games. Refer to the PuyoQuest Portal for information on their appearance in Puyo Puyo!!
They are twin characters much like Yu and Rei, and are both considered purple in Puyo Puyo!! Quest. Puyo Puyo Chronicle Yu and Rei are recruited during the main story in Retty. Retty's chief tasks Arle to exterminate a "monstrous pair" to reach the star pedestal, and once the party ...
You can help Puyo Nexus Wiki by expanding it. Reason:Missing information about Witch's role inPuyo Puyo ChronicleandPuyo Puyo Tetris 2. Madou Monogatariseries Witch first appears inMadou Monogatari 3as a minor enemy. In the PC98 version, she wears a white outfit and dons a staff. While an...
Puyo Puyo From Puyo Nexus Wiki This page is about the Puyo Puyo series in general. For the MSX2 and Famicom Disk System game, seePuyo Puyo(1991). For the first arcade game and its ports, seePuyo Puyo(1992). Puyo Puyo Japanese Logo...
A preview of the Puyo Card feature showing a player choosing a background. The Puyo Card ( マイぷよカード Mai puyo kādo) is a customizable ID card feature in Puyo Puyo Puzzle Pop used in multiplayer. Players can unlock character icons, different frames, backgrounds, and items that can ... PinnedLoading puyonexuspuyonexusPublic An unofficial website for fans of the Puyo Puyo video game franchise. HTML puyosimpuyosimPublic A web application in which you can create and share Puyo Puyo chains. ...
Accord when playing Puyo. Unlike the other characters introduced in Puyo Puyo Tetris, he meets Ms. Accord personally, as revealed in Chapter EX10. Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 Ex makes his first appearance in Chapter 1-1, shortly after Tee and O reunite with Ringo in Suzuran. He has Ringo and ...
From Puyo Nexus Wiki Special pages•Recent changes•Random page•How to contribute This is alist of all gamesin thePuyo PuyoandMadou Monogatariseries. To see which characters are in which games, seeTable of characters and games. Contents ...