PY32F0xx Frequency up to 48 MHz, 16 to 64 Kbytes of Flash memory, 3 to 8 Kbytes of SRAM. PY32F002A PY32F002Ax5(20KB Flash/3KB RAM) PY32F003 PY32F003x4(16KB Flash/2KB RAM), PY32F003x6(32KB Flash/4KB RAM), PY32F003x8(64KB Flash/8KB RAM) ...
Unzip Copy the pdesc file to cmsis-pack-manager's cache directory (the folder created in step 2) Rename the pdsc file to: Puya.PY32F0xx_DFP.1.1.0.pdsc (with the version numbers present) Copy the original DFP pack file to <path\to\cache-directory>\Puya...
JLinkDevices # JLink flash loaders │ │ └── Sources # Flash algorithm source code │ ├── Puya.PY32F0xx_DFP.x.pack # DFP pack file for PyOCD │ └── SVD # SVD files ├── ├── # Pre-defined rules include in Makefile └── User # User application...
JLinkDevices # JLink flash loaders │ │ └── Sources # Flash algorithm source code │ ├── Puya.PY32F0xx_DFP.x.pack # DFP pack file for PyOCD │ └── SVD # SVD files ├── ├── # Pre-defined rules include in Makefile └── User # User application...
PY32F0xx Frequency up to 48 MHz, 16 to 64 Kbytes of Flash memory, 3 to 8 Kbytes of SRAM. PY32F002A PY32F002Ax5(20KB Flash/3KB RAM) PY32F003 PY32F003x4(16KB Flash/2KB RAM), PY32F003x6(32KB Flash/4KB RAM), PY32F003x8(64KB Flash/8KB RAM) ...