Soil moisture is an important aspect of heat transfer process and energy exchange between land-atmosphere systems, and it is a key link to the surface and groundwater circulation and land carbon cycles. In this study, according to the characteristics of the study area, an advanced integral equat...
[朝闻天下]布鲁塞尔 欧盟与英国开启新一轮未来关系谈判相关推荐 [国际时讯]乌媒称俄或用洲际弹道导弹打击乌克兰 担心基辅遭大规模空袭 多国使馆宣布关闭 [经济信息联播]快讯 10月份全社会用电量同比增长4.3% [东方时空]中央气象台发布台风黄色预警 “桃芝”“万宜”“天兔”三台风海上“共舞” [砺剑]歼-20与...
1. Elbow articulated awning, between the elbows which have a number of tensioning means for articulation and having a male part, which are retained on the tension means and said part is fitted into a female part, both of parts articulated by a pin that connects them, characterized in that ...
PURPOSE:To eliminate the danger of exposure of a worker to an agent and to a gas generated from the agent in the work such as removal, bleaching, etc., of mildew by using the removing agent in the form of a sheet. CONSTITUTION:The objective mildew-removing sheet is composed of a hydrop...
3月1日,备受瞩目的存量个人住房贷款定价基准转换工作正式拉开帷幕。对于有房贷的人来说,可以选择固定利率,也可以选择LPR,LPR会随着市场的利率波动而变化。 现在,这个政策已经实施了一个月,新政策对房贷一族带来了哪些变化呢?央视财经记者在北京进行了调查。
北京青年报讯(记者 王斌 刘婧)富有“冬宫”之美誉的北海公园冰场昨日正式迎客,面积达1.5万平方米。每天9时至17时,市民可前往昔日的冰嬉圣地体验冰上运动的乐趣。购票入场后,除冰上碰碰车以外的传统冰上项目可不限时畅玩儿。北京青年报记者了解到,备受关注的“冰嬉”表演将于1月13日至17日再次上演。
首页 推荐 关注 朋友 我的 直播 放映厅 知识 游戏 二次元 音乐 美食设置 业务合作 搜索 老太君04iv 关注 4200 粉丝 2.0万 获赞 10.0万 抖音号:laotaijun04i20岁 私信关注 关注私信 私密账号 发起关注请求,通过后即可查看该账号内容
The problem of global exponential stability analysis for discrete-time bidirectional associative memory (BAM) neural networks with time-varying delays is investigated. By using the mathematical induction method, a novel exponential stability criterion in the form of linear matrix inequalities is firstly es...
目的制备消旋卡多曲干混悬液.方法考察常用的羟丙基甲基纤维素(HPMC),羧甲基纤维素钠,聚维酮,黄原胶,甲基纤维素等辅料对干混悬液的影响.通过对其沉降体积比,再分散性指... 宋恬,何再安,刘焱文 - 《医药导报》 被引量: 19发表: 2007年 复方丁香罗勒口服混悬液联合消旋卡多曲颗粒治疗小儿水样腹泻疗效分析 目的观...
摘要: 篇首: 亚洲人素以长寿著称,格鲁吉亚,日本,巴基斯坦以及中国都有百岁老人聚集的长寿之乡.日本人的平均寿命是81.6岁,日本最长寿的男子113岁,最长寿的女子竟然有115岁.然而,据2002年数据显示,美国人的平均寿命是77.1岁,美国男性则为74.5岁,这几乎和古巴人差不多. 年份: 2005 收藏...