在Lightsail 中連接至 Linux 或 Unix 執行個體最簡單的方法,就是使用可在 Lightsail 主控台中使用的瀏覽器型 SSH 用戶端。如需詳細資訊,請參閱在 Amazon Lightsail 中連接至 Linux 或 Unix 執行個體。 先決條件 步驟1:下載並安裝 PuTTY PuTTY 是適用於 Windows 的免費 SSH 實作。您可以在這個頁面了解所有 PuTTY...
When you log in to your DigitalOcean VPS, the SSH server uses the public key to "lock" messages in a way that can only be "unlocked" by your private key. This means that even the most resourceful attacker cannot snoop on, or interfere with, your session. As an extra security measur...
PuTTY is an open source GUI implementation of the Secure Shell protocol that has long been used to runsecure SSH tunnelsto and from Windows computers. Initially released in 1999, PuTTY grew in popularity because Windows did not include the OpenSSH command line client and server until Windows ...
In this guide, you will learn how to usePuTTYSSH terminal to connect to your hosting account or...
Find out how to access your cloud server or web hosting and manage SSH keys with the PuTTY SSH client software
Connect to your VPS using Putty. Seethis guidefor detailed steps. If.sshfolder does not exist, create it together withauthorized_keysfile with the following command: mkdir ~/.ssh | touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys Secure SSH Key file by changing permissions: ...
puttygen, the key management tool similar tossh-keygen One thing PuTTY lacks is a server component. That means it still relies on implementations like OpenSSH to use its client utilities. However, theputtyandplinktools support even more ways to connect: ...
After you have generated your SSH Key you will see it at the bottom of the page. Go to kebab menu for it and click onPrivate Keyand copy it as it will be needed for the next step. Then create a file calledprivate_key.ppkon your computer, open it with notepad, paste your private ...
Type in the passphrase and confirm it. The passphrase is used to protect your key. You will be asked for it when you connect via SSH. Click "Save private key" to save your private key. Click "Save public key" to save your public key....
Working with PuTTY’s Public Key Format You can click Save public key as well, but take note: The format PuTTYGen uses when it saves the public key is incompatible with the OpenSSH authorized_keys files used for SSH key authentication on Linux servers. If you need to see the public key...