putty【cmd命令】 登陆串口,并且记录log https://blog.csdn.net/hansel/article/details/114682539 putty -serial COMxxx -sercfg 115200,8,n,1,N -sessionlog xxxx.log 更加复杂的操作 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27477658/save-putty-output-to-file-from-command-lineEnter Host Name, Name the ses...
PuTTY 中文版,原 http://code.google.com/p/puttycn 项目。. Contribute to larryli/PuTTY development by creating an account on GitHub.
-m file read remote command(s) from file -s remote command is an SSH subsystem (SSH-2 only) -N don't start a shell/command (SSH-2 only)
command line options/usage Submitted by Sean Timothy Noonan (not verified) on Tue, 2008/01/29 - 23:31. Personally, when I was stuck with putty, I'd simply put the binary somewhere in my path. From what I remember, you can access saved sessions as: ...
Now, let’s run PuTTY from the Linux command line: $ putty ...Copy This command opens the PuTTY Configuration window: Further, to connect to the host system: Enter the hostname or IP address of our host Windows machine in the Host Name box Select SSH as the Connection type Then, we...
-4 -6 force use of IPv4 or IPv6 -C enable compression -i key private key file for authentication -m file read remote command(s) from file -s remote command is an SSH subsystem (SSH-2 only) -N don't start a shell/command (SSH-2 only)查看...
will not do anything useful without command-line options telling it what files to copy to and from where. [Command Prompt]窗口其实就是在cmd窗口。 说明:在这种模式下,如果你不小心关闭了命令提示符窗口,屏幕会全黑。可按下组合键Ctrl+Alt+Del,调出“任务管理器”,单击“新任务”,再在弹出对话框的“运...
it can be used for various other purposes as well. Putty's versatility makes it a valuable tool for network troubleshooting, debugging, and testing. Developers often use Putty to connect to remote servers and run command-line tools or execute scripts. It can also be used for educational purpos...
New abstraction for command-line arguments. Sep 26, 2024 putty.h 导入0.81 版翻译 Dec 19, 2024 puttymem.h Update source file names in comments and docs. Jan 22, 2022 readme.md fix Dec 19, 2024 release.pl Remove FTP from release machinery. ...
/opt/local/bin should be in yourPATH, so you should be able to run PuTTY from the command line by typing simply:putty Using a symlinkor Mac alias, you can create a shortcut to putty to open it more easily. For example, to add an icon to your Desktop: ln -s /opt/local/bin/putt...