[原创]putty使用ssh登陆时错误:putty fatal error no supported authentication methods available 的解决方法 potato programer1.错误 2.解决 3.测试,登陆成功 4.解决完成 === 我的使用方式 === 1.启动 PAGEANT.EXE 2.右击图标 3.左击 View Keys 4.上一步操作结果 5.输入用户名后,会自动登录(因为前面我已...
Fatal Error: No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey) 问题描述 错误通常发生在使用PuTTY连接到SSH服务器时出现身份验证问题的情况下。这个错误表示SSH服务器要求使用公钥身份验证,但PuTTY客户端未能提供有效的公钥进行身份验证。 解决方案 检查SSH服务器的配置 确保服务器上已启用公钥身份...
For setting up ssh I am following: https://www.digitalocean.com/docs/droplets/how-to/connect-with-ssh/putty/ and choosing the option to skip over “specify an ssh key…” and use login and password instead, but I get the error: “Putty fatal error...
“Using username “root”. Authentication with public key “imported-openssh-key” Please login as the user “ec2-user” rather than the user “root”.” or 2. The error can also be seen while using the PuTTY client: “PuTTY Fatal Error: Disconnected: No supported authentication methods ava...
注意,默认账户根据申请EC2时选择的AMI(亚马逊机器镜像)的不同而不同,例如,linux的和ubuntu的账户不一样。如果输错了账户名,会报如下错误“PuTTY Fatal Error Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available(server sent: publickey)”,如下图。
注意,默认账户根据申请EC2时选择的AMI(亚马逊机器镜像)的不同而不同,例如,linux的和ubuntu的账户不一样。如果输错了账户名,会报如下错误“PuTTY Fatal Error Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available(server sent: publickey)”,如下图。
PuTTY Fatal Error --- No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey) --- 确定 --- 解决方案: 打开putty的安装目录,找到 puttygen.exe File - Load Private key 选择test001.pem 文件 提示导入成功 选择File -Save private key 再回到 重新选择刚才保存...
TortoisePLink fatal error Disconnected: no supported authentication methods available (server sent publickey) TortoiseGit 版本信息: TortoiseGit (C:/Program Files/TortoiseGit/bin/TortoiseGitProc.exe) git version 1.8.1.msysgit.1 (C:/Program Files (x86)/Git/bin) ...
No, it isn't. It would take a reasonable amount of rewriting for this to be possible, and since the PuTTY project itself doesn't believe in DLLs (they make installation more error-prone) none of us has taken the time to do it. ...
iPuTTY official: 한국어 환경의 PuTTY terminal emulator (한글 PuTTY) - iPuTTY/ssh.c at master · iPuTTY/iPuTTY