使用PuTTY 通过 SSH 访问 ProxySG 或 Advanced Secure Gateway (ASG) 时,您会看到如下错误:"expected key exchange group packet from server"。 解 在PuTTY 的左侧窗格中,导航到“连接” > SSH > Kex。 在算法选择策略下,选择 "Diffie-Hellman group exchange"。 单击向下。此操作会将“Diffie-Hellman group ...
使用PuTTY 通过 SSH 访问出现错误:"expected key exchange group packet from server"。 解决: 在PuTTY 的左侧窗格中,导航到“连接” > SSH > Kex。 在算法选择策略下,选择 "Diffie-Hellman group exchange"。 单击向下。此操作会将“Diffie-Hellman group exchange”移出第一个位置,以更改所用的算法。 单击“打...
使用PuTTY 通过 SSH 访问出现错误:“expected key exchange group packet from server”。 解决: 在PuTTY 的左侧窗格中,导航到“连接” > SSH > Kex。 在算法选择策略下,选择 “Diffie-Hellman group exchange”。 单击向下。此操作会将“Diffie-Hellman group exchange”移出第一个位置,以更改所用的算法。 单击...
PuTTY Fatal Error: expected key exchange group packet from server This error is specific to Putty and ssh login from terminal to terminal does work fine.Environment Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Subscriber exclusive content A Red Hat subscription provides unlimited access to our knowledgebase, tools,...
I had this same issue and to fix it i change the key exchange algorithm.
PuTTY 错误:“expected key exchange group packet 使用PuTTY通过SSH访问出现错误:"expectedkeyexchangegrouppacketfromserver"。解决:在PuTTY的左侧窗格中,导航到“连接”>SSH>Kex。在算法选择策略下,选择"Diffie-Hellmangroupexchange"。单击向下。此操作会将“Diffie-Hellmangroupexchange” putty PuTTY 错误 原创 qing...
A.7.1 Why do I see ‘Fatal: Protocol error: Expected control record’ in PSCP? This happens because PSCP was expecting to see data from the server that was part of the PSCP protocol exchange, and instead it saw data that it couldn't make any sense of at all. ...
Brief description of your issue I know Putty did some Windows securty workarounds in v0.78, but now I can't get rid of it. At least not from the available update in winget. I've tried upgrading it using winget C:\Windows\System32>winget ...
iPuTTY official: 한국어 환경의 PuTTY terminal emulator (한글 PuTTY) - iPuTTY/ssh.c at master · iPuTTY/iPuTTY
Authentication Publickey Algorithms:x509v3-ssh-rsaHostkey Algorithms:x509v3-ssh-rsaEncryption Algorithms:aes256-ctrMAC Algorithms:hmac-sha1KEX Algorithms:diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1Authentication timeout: 60 secs; Authentication retries: 3Minimum ...