This is my 1st post as I need your help/suggestion .Unable to connect Cisco switch Switch via Putty using USB Console cable (Putty is Blank) I'm using a USB Console cable (with no converter) one end of cable is USB other is RJ45 Windows 10, Cisco 9300 Switch I installed the ...
Solved: Hi I am currently trying to configure my Cisco switch, which I received some time ago, via PuTTY. The issue I'm facing is that I can't use my keyboard at all through the terminal. I've tried various solutions, such as setting flow control to
Switch Console Freezing in PuTTy I've been trying to log into the switch board through PuTTy on my computer, most of the time when puTTy opens it has a blank console, but a couple times on log in I get a few messeges saying "starting..." and once got a boot messege but it seeme...
Accesso alla CLI tramite PuTTy con una connessione da console Passaggio 1. Collegare lo switch al computer utilizzando un cavo seriale standard a 9 pin. Il cavo console da Cisco DB9 a RJ45 supporta anche le connessioni da console, ma solo se l...
十一放假前在清除Cisco2960交换机配置文件时,误操作将flash给erase掉了,reload后傻眼了,回车后出现交换机无ios的界面,一直提示“switch:” 好在我这里还有一台相同型号的交换机,我的想法是把这台的bin文件copy到这台起不来的flash里 一、先从好的交换机里导出bin文件(我用的是tftp方... ...
TeraTerm is all I use for both Cisco and for Linux. East to install and use. CCNP: ROUTE B][COLOR=#ff0000]x[/COLOR][/B , SWITCH B][COLOR=#ff0000]x[/COLOR][/B, TSHOOT [X ] Completed on 2/18/2014 · Share on FacebookShare on Twitter ausssi Registered Users Posts: 1 ■□...
iPuTTY official: 한국어 환경의 PuTTY terminal emulator (한글 PuTTY) - iPuTTY/ssh.c at master · iPuTTY/iPuTTY
Got the console up. Two things: 1) Check "launch terminals using the system default shell" in Preferences>General>Terminal Settings. Now it's not working again. 2) Don't close the QEMU window that pops up when you start the ASA. Now, I can save configs for routers, but not for ASAs...
TeraTerm is all I use for both Cisco and for Linux. East to install and use. CCNP: ROUTEB][COLOR=#ff0000]x[/COLOR][/B, SWITCHB][COLOR=#ff0000]x[/COLOR][/B, TSHOOT [X] Completed on 2/18/2014 ·Share on FacebookShare on Twitter ...
Step 1: Attach the DV9 Female end of Console cable with the DV9 Male end of the USB to DV9 Serial Converter and then connect the RJ54 connector end of the Console cable to the Cisco router or Switch.First check the COM port number ...