5、在弹出的窗口中,可以看到通过SSH与客户端连接的相关信息,可以用Putty或者其他Linux客户端工具,本文选择用Putty 6、获取Azure Linux VM的IP地址,打开Linux 虚拟机Tentos82的详细页面,复制公共IP地址 7、打开Putty连接工具,填入刚才复制的IP地址至 “Host Name for IP address”,然后点击open,如下图 8、接受安全告...
In this scenario, to connect to your Linux VM over SSH from Windows, you can use PuTTY. A common way to SSH into Linux is to use key-based authentication. This involves using a key pair: Public key: This gets appended to /home/AzureUser/.ssh/authorized_keys (your admin username may ...
我无法使用本地笔记本电脑连接到在Azure上的Linux (ubuntu 16.04)虚拟机上运行的MySQL 、、、 我可以使用带有PuTTY终端模拟器的SSH连接到虚拟机 用户已分配所有权限,ip地址与我在PuTTY中使用的相同,并且端口正确。但是,安全规则指定与VM的MySQL连接的IP地址。与PuT 浏览0提问于2020-08-03得票数 0 1回答 如何...
"Get-AzureVM" Powershell Command not recognized in application after deploying to IIS. "Get-EventLog : Requested registry access is not allowed." is returned after adding a where-object filter. "Get-EventLog: Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation" - why?? "Get-WmiObject not supported...