putty能干嘛:If you want touse PuTTY to connect to other computers, oruse PSFTP 要用命令行:If you want to use the command-line file transfer utility(公用事业或者公用程序) PSCP, you will need torun this from a Command Prompt or equivalent,because it will not do anything useful without comma...
"ShadowBoldOffset"=dword:00000001 "SerialLine"="COM1" "SerialSpeed"=dword:00002580 "SerialDataBits"=dword:00000008 "SerialStopHalfbits"=dword:00000002 "SerialParity"=dword:00000000 "SerialFlowControl"=dword:00000001 "WindowClass"="" "ConnectionSharing"=dword:00000000 "ConnectionSharingUpstream"=dword:...
在Connection-〉SSH 里有个 Remote command,在这里面填写上远程服务器上的某个命令,比如:df,登录后就会自动执行。 我们在 Unix 上用 ssh 登录主机时用的命令 ssh,在 ssh 的最后面加上远程主机上的命令,就跟这个一样。 但是……,先别着急,一旦设置上这个选项,你会发现在登录成功后,窗口一下就关闭了,嘿,怎...
putty -serial COMxxx -sercfg 115200,8,n,1,N -sessionlog xxxx.log 更加复杂的操作 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27477658/save-putty-output-to-file-from-command-lineEnter Host Name, Name the session, GotoLogging Optioninthe left top corner,selectallsessions, provide logfilenameandlocation,...
But you should be able to check what characters are sent by the device by checking a box that says something like display newline characters or display CR/LF. I'm not sure if putty supports this, since i don't really use it as a serial monitor, but it probably does. Share Improve ...
直接在控制台执行 plink,可以看到 Plink 的帮助C:>plinkPuTTY Link: command-line connection utilityRelease 0.58Usage: plink options us 32、erhost command("host" can also be a PuTTY saved session name)Options:-V print version information and exit-pgpfp print PGP key fingerprints and exit-v show...
"ShadowBold"=dword:00000000 "ShadowBoldOffset"=dword:00000001 "SerialLine"="COM1" "SerialSpeed"=dword:00002580 "SerialDataBits"=dword:00000008 "SerialStopHalfbits"=dword:00000002 "SerialParity"=dword:00000000 "SerialFlowControl"=dword:00000001...
PuTTY Link: command-line connection utility Release 0.58 Usage: plink [options] [user@]host [command] ("host" can also be a PuTTY saved session name) Options: -V print version information and exit -pgpfp print PGP key fingerprints and exit ...
PuTTY Link: command-line connection utility Release 0.58 Usage: plink [options] [user@]host [command] ("host" can also be a PuTTY saved session name) Options: -V print version information and exit -pgpfp print PGP key fingerprints and exit ...
I actually got to that part, I am able to see that on the PuTTY command line, and get to the part where I need to type in the boot commands, but it won't let me type. Have tried multiple computers, I am thinking it our serial cable, but wanted to see if any other teams or ...