-s remote command is an SSH subsystem (SSH-2 only) -N don't start a shell/command (SSH-2 only)
pscp(an SCP client, i.e. command-line secure file copy)是putty安装包(免费)所带的远程文件传输工具,使用和Linux下scp命令相似。(一次只能传输一个文件,传完即终止) 1、把本地目录dir、文件file传输到Linux服务器的/root/,并指定服务器端口2009 C:\>pscp.exe -P2009-rdirfileroot@XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:/r...
要用命令行:If you want to use the command-line file transfer utility(公用事业或者公用程序) PSCP, you will need torun this from a Command Prompt or equivalent,because it will not do anything useful without command-line options telling it what files to copy to and from where. [Command Prompt...
PuTTYgen is a tool thatcreates SSH keypairs. PuTTY stores these key authentications in its.ppkformat files. With Windows, you will use thePuTTYgen.exegraphical tool, while with Linux, you will use the command line. PuTTYgen是一个创建SSH密钥对的工具。PuTTY将这些密钥认证存储在其 .ppk 格式的...
PuTTY Link: command-line connection utility Release 0.58 Usage: plink [options] [user@]host [command] ("host" can also be a PuTTY saved session name) Options: -V print version information and exit -pgpfp print PGP key fingerprints and exit ...
Plink (PuTTY Link) is a command-line connection tool similar to UNIX ssh D:工具putty-0.60plink.exe D:工具putty-0.60plink.exe -l oracle echo hello, world 用plink加9个用户: C:plink root@ "for i in $(seq 1 9); do useradd -d /home/guest$i ...
直接在控制台执行 plink,可以看到 Plink 的帮助C:>plinkPuTTY Link: command-line connection utilityRelease 0.58Usage: plink options us 32、erhost command("host" can also be a PuTTY saved session name)Options:-V print version information and exit-pgpfp print PGP key fingerprints and exit-v show...
"commandline": "C:\\Users\\zijian\\Downloads\\putty\\PLINK.EXE -load \"Default Settings\"","guid": "{141d171c-4fd9-426d-9008-8cbc4b0b05d3}","hidden": true,"icon": "ms-appx:///ProfileIcons/{9acb9455-ca41-5af7-950f-6bca1bc9722f}.png","name": "putty-session"},{ "...
plink.exe (a command-line interface to the PuTTY back ends) pageant.exe (an SSH authentication agent for PuTTY, PSCP, PSFTP, and Plink) 自动登录 为安全考虑,PuTTY不保存用户口令,但可用公钥自动登录。配置手续: Session:输入HostName(或IP)
直接在控制台执行plink,能够看到Plink帮助C:\>plinkPuTTYLink:command-lineconnectionutilityRelease0.58Usage:plink[options][user@]host[command] ("host"canalsobeaPuTTYsavedsessionname)Options:-V printversioninformationandexit-pgpfp printPGPkeyfingerprintsandexit-v showverbosemessages-loadsessname Loadsettings...