put on 1.To clothe oneself with; don:put on a coat; put socks on. 2.To apply; activate:put on the brakes. 3.To assume affectedly:put on an English accent. 4.SlangTo tease or mislead (another):You're putting me on! 5.To add:put on weight. ...
1. To clothe oneself with; don: put on a coat; put socks on. 2. To apply; activate: put on the brakes. 3. To assume affectedly: put on an English accent. 4. Slang To tease or mislead (another): You're putting me on! 5. To add: put on weight. 6. To produce; perform: ...
Both my sons complained of the downstairs bathroom (their bathroom) particularly when they were on weird schedule and got up in the wee hours, like when older son was working as a medical scribe, and going to college and got up at 4 am. Or younger son was doing robotics, and going in...
Intervening to prevent falls and fractures in nursing homes: are we putting the cart before the horse? Nursing home (NH) residents tend to fall at a rate that is approximately three times as high as that of older people living in the community. This translat... J Magaziner,R Miller,B ...
Both therapists have encouraged me to ‘get back on the horse again’ to some degree. I refuse to let Chris break me, even if I feel broken. Not sure what you’d call what we have. Companionship. Going places and doing things. It’s more than friendship, but less than dating. Why...
horse legs have special tendons and ligaments to allow them to stand with almost no muscular effort, letting them stand for long stretches of time during periods of drowsiness. But contrary to popular belief, a full, deep sleep can't occur for a horse unless it islying down on the ground...
heart that things are not right with their pet's spiritand that things are unlikely to improve: their animal is depressed all the time,it seems sad and/or in constant pain, its weight is dropping, it doesn't enjoy eating anymore, it doesn't respond to them like before and so on.Have...
1. To clothe oneself with; don: put on a coat; put socks on. 2. To apply; activate: put on the brakes. 3. To assume affectedly: put on an English accent. 4. Slang To tease or mislead (another): You're putting me on! 5. To add: put on weight. 6. To produce; perform: ...
4. Slang To tease or mislead (another): You're putting me on! 5. To add: put on weight. 6. To produce; perform: put on a variety show. put out 1. To extinguish: put out a fire. 2. Nautical To leave, as a port or harbor; depart. 3. To expel: put out a drunk from the...
put on 1. To clothe oneself with; don: put on a coat; put socks on. 2. To apply; activate: put on the brakes. 3. To assume affectedly: put on an English accent. 4. Slang To tease or mislead (another): You're putting me on! 5. To add: put on weight. 6. To produce; pe...