in short, to be efficient on a given band, the wire must be longer than 1/4 lambda on that band and must NOT be a multiple of 1/2 on ANY band which we want to use the antenna on, so for ham bands here's a table summing up the best lengths up to 423ft, the "band" column...
I quit social media a few years ago, unless you count this. I started up a new platform early-covid. I quit it in August. And then my mom asks a few days into December if I still do daily gratitudes in November and if I’d do them with her. I’d forgotten all about that asp...
nothing gets resolved, because that’s how you’ve trained him to fight. The fights escalate to another level. One time the police showed up when I was screaming at him in the parking lot. A neighbor called because they thought he was abusing me. Embarrassing. The damage...