The Plan:In order to demonstrate strategies for play, I am going to have my 5th graders come up with puzzles that point to weighted plays. In other words there will be better moves than others. People trying to solve the puzzles will have to analyze the potential moves. Which one is bet...
There is a long tradition in HCI of Participatory Design (PD), and Human/Ethically/Value-centred Design [117], which have been wrestling with the problem of inclusion and participation in the process of design and production of ICT systems [118]. Participatory processes have also been addressed...
arguments in online magazines offer more than two choices. We can go for the prize behind Door Number Three: the Great Idea or small suggestion that actually moves the conversation forward, that
(This is an older blog I’d written about my very first weekend in the wrestling business. I was recruited into WCW through Playboy and not the least bit trained when I was hired. (Thankfully, my parents raised me that me that you introduce yourself to people and shake their hand…which...