put it to (someone) Slang 1. To overburden with tasks or work. 2. To put blame on. 3. To take unfair advantage of. 4. To lay out the facts of a situation to (another) in a forceful candid manner. 5. To defeat soundly; trounce. put (one) in mind To remind: You put me in...
putting the blame on you putting the blocks on putting the boot putting the boot putting the boot putting the boot putting the boot putting the boot in putting the boot to her putting the boot to him putting the boot to me putting the boot to one putting the boot to somebody putting the...
put it to (someone) Slang 1. To overburden with tasks or work. 2. To put blame on. 3. To take unfair advantage of. 4. To lay out the facts of a situation to (another) in a forceful candid manner. 5. To defeat soundly; trounce. put (one) in mind To remind: You put me in...
Amidst the daunting prospect of facing his own friends and family on the battlefield, Krishna advises detachment from the outcomes. He teaches the importance of acting in the present moment, aware that the seeds of our actions are sown in the present and will bear fruit in accordance with the...
4.People can only treat you how you allow them to treat you. When someone first told me this I mentally kicked back. “Fuck you, you don’t know anything about the psychology of abuse, nobody is responsible for the actions of others, don’t blame the victim.” Yes, all of those th...
One word for you: Healthcare.gov. The feds paid millions for a website that was a complete failure. Nobody cared that the government didn’t build it. The government got the blame for hiring an inept vendor and for spending millions and getting nothing. Can you name the vendor? No, be...
Alleging that he'd called her a "f--king c--t" and complained she didn't cook or clean (a conversation he said was a joke), Victoria added of the cheating allegations, “I know you know that to not be true. I think it’s very easy to blame anothe...
A false flag operation is an act committed with the intent of disguising the actual source of responsibility and pinning blame on another party. I think the majority of us know by now that the sacrificing of lives for power and profit is something our government is absolutely willing to do...
But if the church sets aside the helmet of salvation and returns to the ways of accusation, blame, slander, hate, and violence toward other people, we will crumble and fall, just as did the Roman Empire.So wear the helmet of salvation. Watch what you think and say about other people....
I blame Trump. Well, that’s not entirely true. It’s a good pat answer but it isn’t really applicable in this instance. Part of it had to do with reading the Bible critically, asking questions, and not necessarily accepting the commonly accepted answers provided by my conservative evangel...