It’s tempting to rely on those big blue bins to pack away Christmas decor because they’re easy to use and hold a lot. But here’s the problem: so much of what we pack away is delicate, glass, or fabric. Cramming it all into a single, cavernous bin doesn’t do your treasures an...
身着灰色长袖衬衫的女士在红色圣诞礼物上系丝带(Woman in Grey Long Sleeve Shirt Putting Ribbon on Red Christmas Present) 面朝大海穿灰色长袖衬衫的女人(woman wearing gray long-sleeved shirt facing the sea) 棕色木桌上穿灰色长袖衬衫的女孩使用MacBook Pro(girl wearing grey long-sleeved shirt using MacBo...
It has a small red ribbon tied around it with a note saying "Merry Christmas- J". Underneath is an envelope with my name on it. It has a gift certificate to Best Buy in it. I find Jason in his new office unpacking boxes. I thank him for the gift and hand him an envelope. "...