Jan 10, 2024 4:07 AM in response to ssc2011 No. An iPad SIM is a data only SIM. Contact your cellular carrier and ask them for a new SIM card for your iPhone. Regards Giuliio (1) Reply of 1 Putting iPad SIM in iPhone Welcome to Apple Support Community A forum where Apple cus...
0x114449000 - 0x114768fff dev.ABI47-0-0hermesengine.iphonesimulator (0.11.0) <e01318d0-9743-3344-82d0-d89e18680188> /Users/USER/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/BC6278D0-4929-4011-A6E6-C6B6B0E68C08/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/25571526-8EDF-444D-B4D0-0681049C9A78/Exponent-2...
I practice short game the most because I can practice that at home. Putting would be second for the same reason. The driving ranges in general have crappy balls so it does not do much good other than see direction. I prefer to play full practice rounds out on the course. Sometime play...