Changes in CSE need to also include teachers: when teachers are unaware of their biases or actively harass or joke about students, they can perpetuate inequalities in ways that cause harm to students (Fields, 2008; Pascoe, 2011). Taking sex education out of the exclusive domain of the health...
Conflict, populism, the erosion of human rights, inequalities, terror, and fragile security has created an environment where many determinants of poor mental health are exacerbated and add to the mental health burden in any country and across nations and present the most fundamental inter-national ...
Social Exclusion Unit: A Sure Start to Later Life; Ending Inequalities for Older People. 2006, London: OPDM Google Scholar Swartz A: James Fries: healthy aging pioneer. Am J Public Health. 2008, 98: 1163-1166. 10.2105/AJPH.2008.135731. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Windle ...
Putting De‐growth on the Agenda: Why Management and Organization Studies Need to Focus on the Nexus Between Social and Ecological Inequalities After all, systematically integrating the nexus between social inequalities and climate change (and other ecological crisis) within a research agenda raise......
In the last decade, Sweden has received a relatively large number of refugees compared to other European countries, fleeing the war in Syria and other conflicts. From 2015 to 2019, over 250 000 permanent or temporary residence permits were granted based on refugee status, subsidiary protection sta...
(although the existing evidence seems to point in the same direction, see for example Zhang2015). However, digital inequalities research has shown considerable differences in access to digital technologies, skills and use among children from different backgrounds, cautioning against digital nativism and...
To illustrate how the inequalities which underlie such possession afflictions are always and necessarilyrelative (rather than absolute), ... (BYU-BNC, academic)b. Arthur Scargill had much the same idea, arguing that pits could only be saved by strike action and taking the battle to the ...
families out of poverty, measured at the $2 a day per person line. The ILO welcomes the focus of the World Bank Group’s new strategy on the goals of ending extreme poverty by 2030 and promoting shared prosperity by fostering income growth of the bottom 40 per cent of the ...