Now, when you paste data from WordPad or any other source into Excel, it should not automatically add equal signs and perform calculations. Your data should be pasted as plain text without Excel trying to interpret it as a formula. Keep in mind that disabling this option means...
excel decides to put an equal sign in front of each line and does the maths itself. Thanks very much but I don't need these extra steps. How can I disable this function of excel on Mac?
Hi, My platform Businsess Support Hub allows for form editing from multipale people in one form. It is a web-based platform the captures the all the specific edits/additions in the form itself and within a seperate dropdown feature also within form, as well as the persons n...
Hi, My platform Businsess Support Hub allows for form editing from multipale people in one form. It is a web-based platform the captures the all the specific edits/additions in the form itself and within a seperate dropdown feature also within form, as well as the persons n...
My Excel does not have Dialog Box Launcher in Page Setup. Not sure that's what I want, anyway. What I need to do is have the first line (with column titles) repeated at the top of subsequent pag... You can click in the Rows to repeat at top box, then point to the row or row...
This could be due to a number of factors, including complex formulas, large amounts of data, or certain settings in Excel. Here are some potential solutions: Turn off automatic calculations: Excel recalculates all open workbooks whenever a change is made. This can slow down data entry if you...
Hi, My platform Businsess Support Hub allows for form editing from multipale people in one form. It is a web-based platform the captures the all the specific edits/additions in the form itself and within a seperate dropdown feature also within form, as well as the persons n...
Hi, My platform Businsess Support Hub allows for form editing from multipale people in one form. It is a web-based platform the captures the all the specific edits/additions in the form itself and within a seperate dropdown feature also within form, as well as the persons name, ...
I am hoping someone can help. I am running out of time and well out of skill.The attached spreadsheet is a subset of a much larger one. ...
One of my users is trying to use the AutoSum feature in Excel to add two cells horizontally. We are trying to add cell C4 and D4 together with the result in cell E4. When we hit autosum, you can see the formula in E4 for less then a second then it puts a cell reference in ...