6.…but in the path to help others, don’t silence their voices. This is something, as a feminist, I (and others) need to be aware of. Too often white middle and upper class feminists with thebest of intentionssilence poor and minority women…in the name of helping poor and minority ...
19.to mark (a page in a book, card, etc) for attention by attaching a small tab or flag 20.chieflyAustralto draw attention to (something) 21.(foll by:awayorby)NZto consider unimportant; brush aside [C16: of uncertain origin]
spades - As a suit in a deck of cards, it has nothing to do with spades as tools, but comes from Spanish espada, "sword." spay - A shortening of a French word espeer, meaning "cut with a sword." gladiator, gladiate - The main Latin word for sword was gladius, from which came...
An additional in-depth training course on mental health was offered to smaller groups of those who had taken part in the MILSA training program (ten at a time). The objectives of the in-depth training course were two-fold; to provide knowledge and understanding of mental health and its pro...
What’sthetopicsentenceofpara.3?Howdoyouunderstandthetheword“Blessedly”inpara.4?Howdoyouunderstandtheparodyoftheproverb“wherethereisnowill,thereisaway”inpara.5?3 Questions Howdoyouexplaintheparenthesis(at$50-plusanhour)inpara.8?Whydoyouthinktheauthorcalls“puttingthingsoff”afineart?Doyouthinkheis...
•Areyouaprocrastinator?•Whendoyouprocrastinate?Why?style:inaformalstylewithahumoroustoneserioushumourous,sarcasticwritingmethods:examplesquotationsplayingonwordsuseofformalwordsinarestrainedexaggeration 4 Structure •I.(p1-2)Procrastinationisacommonscene.•II.(p3-8)Manypeopleprocrastinateandwhy they...
1、Unit 2Text IThe Fine Art of Putting Things off put off delay delayer postpone postponer procrastinate procrastinatorQuestions Are you a procrastinator? When do you procrastinate? Why?4style: in a formal style with a humorous tone serious humourous, sarcasticwriting methods: examples quotations ...
1、Unit Two The Fine Art of Putting Things Off,Questions for Discussion,In what sense is the word “art” used in the title? Do you think the beginning of the essay is effective? Why? Why does the author refer to visits to the barber as Faustian encounters”(para.2),Questions,Whats ...
$50-plusanhour)inpara.8? Whydoyouthinktheauthorcalls “puttingthingsoff”afineart? Doyouthinkheisserious? Thetoneofthewritingisamixtureofthe seriousandthehumorous.Pleaseidentify hisshiftsintonefromonetotheother? 第四页,共25页。 QuotationsfromLordChesterfield ...
U.S.journalist,wasborninLongIsland,NewYork,butwaseducatedinEnglandatRugbyandOxford.SinceWorldWarⅡ,hehaswrittenfornewspapersandmagazines.InnearlytwentyyearsatTIME,hehasbeenaforeigncorrespondent,editor,andseniorwriter.HeisamemberingoodstandingoftheProcrastinators’ClubofAmerica,Inc.LibraryWork--LordChesterfield ...