put up with put upon put words into sb's mouth put-off put-put put-up 将“put up"翻译成土耳其文 koymak, düzenlemek, kapatmak是“put up"到 土耳其文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:That company just put up a web page. ↔ O şirket sadece bir web sayfası koydu. put...
put up to auction mezada çıkarmak to put together birleştirmek put to sea denize açılmak put to bed yatırmak 更多(+26) 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“put to"翻译成 土耳其文 变形 干 匹配词 所有 精确 任何 Anyone who criticizes is thrown in jail... or pu...
Literature " When The Doctor turns up, it'll all beput right" " Doktor döndüğünde her şey düzelecek. " OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Nothing's happened yet that can't beput right, Jason. Henüz hiçbir şeyiçingeçdeğil, Jason. ...
SAP WM Fixed bin put away with a special movement indicator <
You' ve just gotta put aside how you feel about me and stay with this.We' re so close Şimdi bana karşı olan hislerini bir kenara koyup... buna odaklanmalısın opensubtitles2 As the Bible says, the time had come for me to put aside childish things. İncil'in...
Everything is stiffening up so much now,itis an effort just toput one foot infront of the other. Her yerim o kadar katılaşmış ki birayağımı diğerinin önüne atmakbile çaba gerektiriyor. Literature [ Segarra ]Ittook all my strength and concentration... just to...