将“put to sleep"翻译成英文 译文示例:Wyłącz "Monitorowanie zużycia energii przez aplikację / App power monitor" (na systemie Android 7, 8) lub "Uśpij nieużywane apliacje / Put unused apps to sleep" (na systemie Android 9). ↔ Disable "App power monitor" (for Android 7...
removed unused import from driver station Corrrected "Dead zone" joystick code. LED.getDeviceName and .getConnectionInfo() return null apps check for ROBOCOL_VERSION mismatch Fix for Telemetry also has off-by-one errors in its data string sizing / short size limitations error User telemetry out...
Eliminating unused methods, properties and classes Email Attachment using URL in C# Email not sent using SMTP in C# when deployed on server EMail sending using C# with TLS EmailAddressAttribute not working correctly Embed DLL in EXE file of Console Application Embedded Internet Explorer Emp...
This is what I want in a daily driver - an operating system that I can install in just a few minutes and that will work, and continue to work smoothly, for years. I don't want to think about my operating system - I don't want to hunt down components or be annoyed by pop-ups o...
Bonus Tip: Viewing a list of recurring charges can also help you find and cancel unused subscriptions that are wasting your money (such as that free trial you forgot to cancel 6 months ago). Automatic Savings If you’ve set up automatic bill pay and fraud alerts, then you can move on ...
and KolourPaint drawing program. KDE Connect and KDE's System Settings panel are provided. There is no video player on the system, but the Elisa music player is included. There is a firewall utility and the Dolphin file manager. A tool called Filelight for removing unused files is available...
Před 1 měsícem Almost put her to sleep 1 month ago Almost put her to sleep ParaCrawl Corpus Zakažte "Sledování napájení aplikací / App power monitor" (pro Android 7, 8) nebo "Uspat nepoužité aplikace / Put unused apps to sleep" (pro Android 9). Schakel "Stroomverb...
Eliminating unused methods, properties and classes Email Attachment using URL in C# Email not sent using SMTP in C# when deployed on server EMail sending using C# with TLS EmailAddressAttribute not working correctly Embed DLL in EXE file of Console Application Embedded Internet Explorer Empty file ...
Eliminating unused methods, properties and classes Email Attachment using URL in C# Email not sent using SMTP in C# when deployed on server EMail sending using C# with TLS EmailAddressAttribute not working correctly Embed DLL in EXE file of Console Application Embedded Internet Explorer Empty file ...
Eliminating unused methods, properties and classes Email Attachment using URL in C# Email not sent using SMTP in C# when deployed on server EMail sending using C# with TLS EmailAddressAttribute not working correctly Embed DLL in EXE file of Console Application Embedded Internet Explorer Empty...