Tired of not being able to put a fun GIF together along with a photo in your tweets?Twitteris breaking down that limit, announcing today that you’ll now be able to combine GIFs, images, and videos in a single tweet. In ablog postpublished on Wednesday, Twitter said you can use a co...
I signed up for Beeper Mini expecting a few glitches or slowed responses. But I was in for a surprise. Message sending is almost as quick as an exchange between two iPhone users. Plus, all the core niceties that you get with the native iMessage experience are here. Message reactions looks...
“Myth: That love solves every problem, and that marriage means you’ll always agree and spend all your time together. Reality: Love and marriage require work and honest communication. There are two individuals in a marriage, and both have to commit to sharing the ups and do...
Liquid Expressions – Desi-omad The Shower of BlessingsWeekly Photo Challenge – Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden Shoot ‘N GoWPC: Liquid Weekly Photo Challenge: Liquid – Our Other Blog: Two Sisters and Two Points of View Weekly Photo Challenge 20 – #hashtags Feet in Water Therapy – Uproot...