从最初发表时的146行到现在的274行,《The Chaos》这首诗主要采用押韵对句(couplets)的形式,将近800个拼写或发音不规则的英文单词,以轻松诙谐的方式罗列出来,被赞为“大师手笔(virtuoso feat of composition)”。然而,正如这首诗的标题所戏谑的那样:”只有真正的英语大师才能将这首诗里的所有单词准确地读出来(Only ...
Apple moves features "down" from the Pro to the "mainstream" iPads like the Air. They consider the creative market important enough to target it first. That should tell you all you need to know about its importance to Apple. The mainstream market is the gravy, not the dish. ...
slow down, etc. They instantly become a hazard on the road. It's actually scary to think that so many people drive that way. I’ve seen moms with infants in the backseat, looking down at their phones while driving. It
Mortality is another. Traversing the other side of middle age is always a paradox: feeling young at heart while things are starting to break down. Anxiously waiting for the results of a CT scan, my only thoughts were of my first grandbaby on the way, the sons and daughters-in-law I’v...