# 将设备上的配置文件vrpcfg.zip上传到远程FTP服务器进行备份,并以backup.zip文件名保存。 <HUAWEI>ftp ... PressCTRL + Kto abort Connected to 220 FTP service ready. User( 331 Password required for huawei. Enter passwo...
public void ZipFile(string strFile, string strZip) { if(File.Exists(strZip)) { File.Delete(strZip); } if (strFile[strFile.Length - 1] != Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) strFile += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; FileStream fs = new FileStream(strZip, FileMode.Create); ZipOutputStream s = ...
Az Module - Retrieve credential user name and password (Azure Automation) Backup Active Directory ACL to restore later backup and restore a specific registry key in powershell Backup Bitlocker recovery key in AD on existing bitlocker domain computer Bat file to be ran as admin in powershell ...
简单来说,我在创建 ZIP 文件时是否需要继续指定此属性? 我询问了 ChatGPT,它说这是关于 Windows 11 的: 默认编码:Windows 11 使用 UTF-16 作为文本文件和字符串的默认编码。 UTF-8 支持:Windows 11 还支持全系统 UTF-8,但这是最近添加的,可能会影响依赖非 Unicode 编码的旧应用程序。 对于Windows 10 也说...
(Hostname) Linux 中如何修改用户密码 Debian修改APT软件源 Ubuntu修改APT软件源 linux系统无法启动提示give root password for maintenance的解决方法 使用FileZilla从Linux系统下载文件的方法 Nginx负载均衡配置简单配置方法 在CentOS 7.2下安装Mono 5.0的方法教程 详解nginx服务器http重定向到https的正确写法 Linux下如何对...
copy WinZip.wzmul c:\programdata\winzip The Uninstall.cmd contains: msiexec /x winzipxxx.msi /qnSHOW_WEBPAGE=0del /q c:\programdata\winzip\WinZip.wzmul Configure the detection to check on file exist c:\programdata\winzip\winzip.wzmul and deploy it as syst...
Is it possible for you to upload one invoice with some dummy data only in the fields which are to be fetched into Master Invoice File? Btw I saw that you have created the Named Ranges on invoice sheet, that's a good idea but at the same time names of the named ranges ...
checking if pdf file is password protected Checking if Row is NULL, looping though a datatable etc Checking if TextBox is empty? Checking is form field exist - How?? Checking the File Format of Excel while Uplaoding in C# circular file reference is not allowed class global constants vs. ...
当我登录到FTP时,我就是这样做的:ftp: user:password@server: Unknown hostftp> quitftp user:password@server -command "echo HELLO WORLD""echo HELLO WORLD" | ftp user:password@server 类似的..。作为我想要创建的脚本的一部分。没有什么是被传输的,我只需要回音一些指令,这是我 ...
2.Put on your hat. 帽子をかぶってね。 3.Your socks don't match. あれ?○○ちゃん/君の靴下は同じものじゃないよ。 4.Where is your other sock? ほかの靴下はどこかな? 5.Let's zip up your pants ズボンのファスナーを上げるよ。