1. Put on your thinking cap. Example: When I was faced with that really tough math problem, I knew I had to put on my thinking cap. It's like when a detective is trying to solve a mystery, you can't just jump in without using your brain. And you know what? Once I really focu...
网络释义 1. 戴上思想的帽子 习语十八 ... STAVE OFF( 棍开)PUT ON YOUR THINKING CAP(戴上思想的帽子) PLAY FAST AND LOOSE( 玩快速 … jandan.net|基于5个网页 2. 第七节 ... put one one's thinking cap1. 动脑put on your thinking cap1.第七节PUT ON YOUR THINKING CAP1. 戴上思想的帽子...
Put your thinking cap on 认真思考,开动脑筋 今日短语 如果你 “put your thinking cap on(戴上你的思考帽子)”,那么你就在 “认真思考某件事情”。在遇到一个需要通过深思熟虑去解决的难题时,就可以使用这个表达。 例句 This exam will be difficult. However, if you put your thinking cap on, you'll ...
如果你 “put your thinking cap on(戴上你的思考帽子)”,那么你就在 “认真思考某件事情”。在遇到一个需要通过深思熟虑去解决的难题时,就可以使用这个表达。 例句学习: This exam will be difficult. However, if you put your thinking cap on, you'll be...
informalto try to think seriously about a problem in order to solve it动脑筋,通过思考解决问题 Examples from the Corpus put on your thinking cap•Instead,put on your thinking cap, and turn those prepared ingredients into new dishes.
不过我们从这个习语put your think cap on的字面意思简单推理一下,将抽象的思考过程具象化,将飘渺的思维量表征化,实际上是突出了思考的过程,强调“认真思考”的重要性。所以,用thinking cap去表示“深思熟虑”,也是情理之中的。 小结 最后,我们来小结一下习语put on your thinking cap的意义和用法: ...
Byline: STEPHEN MCGOWANMcgowan, Stephen
thinking capn.思考,思考状态 touch one's cap to向…致敬 set one’s cap at口语,意为“(女子)企图赢得(男子的)爱情。” fuddle one's capv. 大醉 set one's cap atv.向...挑逗 put one's shirt on对…孤注一掷,把所有得家当都压在…上面;对…充满必胜信心 ...
如果你 put your thinking cap on (戴上你的思考帽子),那么你就在 认真思考某件事情。在遇到一个需要通过深思熟虑去解决的难题时,就可以使用这个表达。 例句 This exam will be difficult. However, if you put your thinking cap on, youll be fine. 这场考试会很
沪江词库精选put one one's thinking cap是什么意思、英语单词推荐 动词 动脑 相似短语 put on one's thinking cap 动脑筋想 put one one's thinking cap v. 动脑 to one's thinking 依某人看来,据某人认为 touch one's cap to 向…致敬 set one’s cap at 口语,意为“(女子)企图赢得(...