So when the script restarts, it writes to coachella_ch1-2.ts and won’t overwrite coachella_ch1-1.ts and so on. I run my bash scripts in screensessions so I can log out of the server and let it do its thing. So that’s my recording setup. Other stuff I do is cut the long...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook put straight put straight 1. To straighten something or make something properly arranged; to fix, correct, or make amends for something. A noun or pronoun can be used between "put" and "straight."There are a few details in this contract we need to put st...
Tina Drakakis blogs atEyerollingmomand has been featured inBoston Globe&Huff Post.She appeared in the Boston productionof “Listen to Your Mother: Giving Motherhood a Microphone”presenting her popular essayThe Thinking Girl’s Thongand her work has been featured in NPR’s“This I Believe”radio...
Just wanted to say I’m making a series in Crystal Wyvern. I decided to start because 1: I read wings of fire and every time I read one I get like, crazy about dragons and stuff and 2: Turkey Channel is something like a hobby. Just saying in case you’re intere...
What is the value of a scary movie? We can attempt to answer these questions logically from premises we come up with, but that’s objective-mode stuff. Religio-aesthetic mode stuff is aboutfeelingthe answer. And since we are emotional creatures, it’s really impossible for us to participate...
Have a great time hunting for the holidays and if you're headed out into the crazy, I hope you come back with armfuls! *Simply note the FREE BANNER under message to seller and it will be included with your order! (FUN STUFF!)
‘local’ rally. It has good roads that are consistent from year to year. The roads are a nice mix of tight and twisty, ‘thread the needle’ fast stuff, and some rough sections that can test cars too. Entry fees and it’s place on the schedule make it a kind place to debut a ...
I have had a LOT of different names, online hobbies and projects over the years, and if you want to keep up with the stuff I do online, bookmark this page (I’ll keep it updated with my current socials), and you can check out my most active social media sites below! Find me on...
Import lib additions are "eternal" and they are subject to strict constraints (can't drag in arbitrary stuff like non-core headers), so we don't want to add them arbitrarily. The basic rule is that header-only code is happy code. Separately compiled code is weird and scary. I learned ...
If you needed more evidence that AI-based deepfakes are incredibly scary, we present to you a new a tool that lets you type in text and generate a video of an actual person saying those exact words. A group of scientists from Stanford University, the Max Planck Institute for Informatics...